This looked like a fun fan game so i downloaded it and I am making a profile for the first time to express how i felt about it.
I really liked the concept of this game and the overall design. I really appreciate the DLC because i have personally always preferred the Saturn music over the MD music (I feel the opposite way about Ecco's music)
thats being said, I played up to the second Robotnik boss, dont think i will be playing anymore of this. I liked this game in concept but i did not enjoy the execution. I do not agree with design decision like having bosses take more than 3 hits or putting blatant dead ends in the level and having lots of back tracking in a sonic game. I dont know why Robonik's hit box in the first level is so weird, and in the second boss it wasnt very clear what to do and not enough time is given to the player to figure that out before you die and lose all your lives, since you will probably have very few after what was a pretty frustrating 2nd level.
I get the feeling that these levels are designed to accommodate all the playable characters but it just makes it feel like playing as sonic is the worst option.
The mini bosses are pretty well done however, it was a nice addition! I am curious about the rest of the game, i might go back to it but it's just to frustrating. Sorry.