There are a few problems I see - assuming the indentation is an issue with copy-pasting, you need to fix the following for the multi-bar to work:
- You need 2 thumbs, not 3. Your bar has 3 sections, but there is one less thumb than the number of sections since the thumbs only go in the boundaries between sections. So you'd want multi_bar 2 not multi_bar 3
- The bar range isn't a tuple, it's just a number. So for you, the range would be Chara.hp+Chara.max_hp+Chara.total_hp assuming your start values are correct
- Remember that start values are the value of each individual bar section. So if you have a bar worth 100 and it's split into 5 parts, then the start values are [20, 20, 20, 20, 20] and NOT [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]. With your current start_values, you'll have one section with a value of Chara.hp, one section with a value of Chara.max_hp, and one section with a value of Chara.total_hp. You might not have to fix anything here, but I'm pointing it out because I wasn't 100% sure what your intentions were.
Otherwise, assuming those are fixed up and the indentation is normal, the code runs just fine for me! Let me know if you have any further issues.