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I had a lot of fun playing your game!

Some feedback:

  • I almost went to skip the tutorial since it looked like it was the easiest path to the goal.
  • I love your work on the UI. You had a draggable options windows, which was a nice touch.
  • Music and sound effects were pleasant and accompanied the gameplay well.
  • Game mechanics are easy to pick up and are enjoyable.
  • It's a bit difficult to control the ball when the ball gets further away on my smaller web version screen.
  • The ball can glitch out of bounds if the board is tilted enough after teleporting.
    • I suggest somehow linking the ball animation to a transform above the teleporter, so no matter the tilt, the ball will always remain above the teleporter. Easier said than done though ^^
  • Theme-wise: I'm not really sure how it relates to the theme.

Overall, it was a fun game! Nice work!

Thank you for the feedback <3