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D35 Is Killing with Kindness a form of Mercy???  If so I'd approve, much better than feelings of harshness and abrasiveness.

Its been a while so I don't remember if Tanabe had sprite last time I played/read,  but I do remember it being mentioned he would have one! :3

D36 This is what happens when you make assumptions based on only what you see, AND you do not talk things out to get to the bottom of issues or reasons, ALWAYS be thinking about what you don't know, so many of us don't want to burden others with our own shame... and instead of trying to understand... we rather take the easy way and creation friction... making war...  I want o think beyond myself, I want to acknowledge there are things I do not know, but I can only act upon what I do know, not what I should know... since when did trying to be selfless become an act of selfishness?  oh because of people who are selfish who would rather take advantage of others trying to learn of their troubles, who would cast out and blame others for their own actions, refusals, and denials.  To be a nightmare to others is from being a nightmare to oneself, misinformation and misinformation lead to lack of clarity, and halts progress and bogs everything down.

I say what is on my mind, I say it in order to check my understanding as much as others, I say why I believe in it, I acknowledge where there are possible faults if I am even aware of them.  But what good is that when it falls upon the blind and deaf to consumed in their own madness?  It only stands to embroil more into madness.  Both like an infection and a cult, without care for others, nor desire to see their own faults.  I bleed, I cry, I get angry for those who treat others like disposable garbage just because their life is garbage, because they don't bother to understand how and why their lives got to that point.  Many a thing can be more easily resolved if you deal with issues by working backwards.  There is always more than meets the eye.  I am alone but because I am alone I can more easily see, think, and observe.  There is also a big difference in finding (POINTING OUT) a problem, dealing (SOLVING) with a problem, and ignoring (DENYING) a problem.  What angers me most is inflexible people trying to force their will on others.  It in turn is making me more and more inflexible, but will maintains that their must be a middle ground, else everything is just scorched earth, because when words fail, actions, then fights, then war remains, and NO ONE is happy.  I hate and read the feeling like there is no way forward, but here is also no way forward when one takes it upon themselves to speak for all, and be judge, jury, and executioner.  I though speak for the abstract, that which is not material, for there then can never be only one voice.  I don't like either feeling compelled to put this all here, but belief in awareness, both positive and negative, is of value to me.

back to D36 Friend or Foe give it your all, those who take things too personally can't be your friend, and if already your foe, they are a foe to all..., in the end yet another thing that can easily become murky despite itself... when you don't take things seriously, you will get walked all over... that is why I fight for greater awareness, beyond bubble and narrow minds, beyond to seek to chances to learn or correct myself... I fight with logic, for logic, and give it heart..., but even then I am only me alone, and even words can be empty promises... also when it comes to war and fights, when it friend against friend, it becomes the worst because as much as not wanting to take a side, can also be viewed as betraying both, then causing you to alienate yourself, so instead its better to break it up instead as the means of getting involved... so exhausting... damn husky and hare..., but now kita n hare...

On another note the value of reconnecting with why you started to do or believe in something in the first place, to go back to the/your roots, to expunge what you feel has been placed on you be it your own or others, this is a feeling I myself have trouble shaking off, for because I am dragging behind, it makes me drag behind further... in the end this one is my fault and my fault alone, but breaking free may require either a series of small adjustments or a big push... doing so alone though makes a snail look like a racecar... for all I am or for all anyone is, there are some walls that block you in ways you are not used to dealing with.

And there it is again MERCY, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, the means to that can change a foe in the moment, to someone who can respect you in kind!  The idea to shown gratitude for even being challenged, though however that does require it to be worthy of challenge AND proof of being challenging... a challenge is something that need only last a given time frame, a threat is something that has no given expiration date... its amazing how easy it is to confuse the two... and confusion is our worst enemy...

Rules of the game... yet what happens when there are no rules, or the rules are made up as you go along, or when the referees permit the obvious breaking of the rules?  What does it feel like to be micromanaged like you are an incompetent fool only being used as a tool?  What does that say about those who are doing the micromanaging? Gah...  break the cycles!

Mind, Body, and Soul (or heart), if you do not head them all and neglect one while engaging too much the other ones, you will burnout... can't even begin to count how many times I myself have gone through it...

D37 3.. or 6? I dunno RL years, 3 months game, granted spilt between 3 er 4 routes, but yay milestone!!! :D     Discussion beast argument any day, but how do you discuss something with someone who is always arguing?...  I hope being an ass is not normal... then again adjusting just one word in a phrase can change a lot about how it comes across... and text is to ideal way to convey emotion either...  headache... headbang... head on desk... check... why do I care so much even *sigh*

In this Case (route) isn't there a 4th S? XP

Jun Cute but hopeless..., but not clueless... Why do all the characters remind me of myself! >.<, none are perfect fit, yet fit me perfectly... @.@  Then again I live for upbeat and awkward....  even I find myself strange at times... SALMON!!!

I'm tired of people always bitching... that why I bitch about bitching... not sure if that is any better... find agreeable solutions instead of complaining dammit! :/

Is there an achievement for no achievements???... head hurts...

Claiming to me that I don't deserve something, isn't the same as me claiming i don't deserve something... and I always tend to feel like I don't quite earn enough to be given a treat like this..., but its a treat like this that I want to share with all..., when I choose to support something I do it because it in tur supports me..., though I do think that is an ideal many us strive for, even if it never the same desires or tastes..., just makes it all the worse when others want to ruin our fun for their own amusement, though then again there are misunderstandings, etc... *sigh*  Can't I be allowed to believe that something can be good, rather than be provided reasons to keep doubting intentions... That is how I've gone from optimistic to ceaseless pessimistic over many things... made scared to even make an attempt to try changing my veiwpoints... , still nothing turns me on more then sincere tender moments like these, I am such a hopeless romantic..., couldn't be happier! X///3 (also opps too! heh...)

Guh... on and off replaying this over 3...5...7...10 days, making me laugh and cry once again over it all, I'd apologize for this wall of text, but I'm not sure what I am exactly apologizing for, or even if I am really sorry.  No longer being certain around something you would have otherwise have been sure of, nothing is scarier, then to be afraid of oneself.

Side note, is once again some of the minor characters mentioned I can't help wanting to have some image of them, but that is a more personal desire of mine, the descriptions you give of them are good enough!, but also why I want an image! Gah! XD