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(3 edits)

Edit! I just figured out the fishing pole in case anyone else struggled with it. Spend $10,000 at either of the merchants and you'll be upgraded to Bronze, then both merchants will have new stuff and the merchant in Nautica Isle will have a blueprint for the fishing pole.

I'm playing from the link on Patreon. Lex, Citali and Ragnar are all stuck here, just west of the armory or whatever area. They sometimes leave at night, but not all the time and not all of them. Lex hasn't left at all that I've seen. Also, the merchant tent in this area is there, but there is no merchant. Is there supposed to be? I've only found the merchants in the fishing village and on the main beach. Also also, I haven't been able to figure out how to make a fishing rod (or fish at least) or level up the shop. Please help! Thanks!

*Edit* So I just watched the official YouTube trailer for the game and it looked like the broken boat by where your character wakes up is supposed to give you a fishing pole with a second interaction with the boat, but that did not happen for me and I've been back there several times and there's nothing left to get from the boat. I'm not sure if you really are supposed to get the fishing pole from there or not but if you are, there's a glitch on my playthrough. I'll restart and check to see if it'll be there this time. 

*Edit again* Restarting a new game did not give me a fishing pole. 😭