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A member registered Jun 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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I just had an issue with the werewolf. I had to attack it and then draw it from the side to the middle of the clearing and then attack it again before any damage would start occurring even with a wooden sword and level 15 attack.

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Also go in the ocean up as far as you can go, then go to the right and you'll get to a fishing village. If you're talking about the 3rd brother, he's supposed to be at the tent in the tribe village, but only the tent is there and he is missing. The second brother only really has fish recipes though. To get more recipes you need to spend $10,000 to upgrade the shop.

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So I just tested it and I was able to defeat the werewolf with 3 strong sticks. I was at level 14 with crafting still below 5.

I needed a wooden sword or club, so level 5 is what your crafting needs to reach. Also, I think your battling skill needs to be at level 10, so I'm not sure if you actually need a stronger weapon if you reach level 10. I haven't played around with it much.

I just figured it out. Spend $10,000 at either of the merchants and you'll be upgraded to Bronze, then both merchants will have new stuff and the merchant in Nautica Isle will have a blueprint for the fishing pole.

(1 edit)

In case anyone else comes looking for an answer, and is struggling, I was only able to get Dullahan after I got Yuki from the snowy mountain area. Their storyline is kind of connected.

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Edit! I just figured out the fishing pole in case anyone else struggled with it. Spend $10,000 at either of the merchants and you'll be upgraded to Bronze, then both merchants will have new stuff and the merchant in Nautica Isle will have a blueprint for the fishing pole.

I'm playing from the link on Patreon. Lex, Citali and Ragnar are all stuck here, just west of the armory or whatever area. They sometimes leave at night, but not all the time and not all of them. Lex hasn't left at all that I've seen. Also, the merchant tent in this area is there, but there is no merchant. Is there supposed to be? I've only found the merchants in the fishing village and on the main beach. Also also, I haven't been able to figure out how to make a fishing rod (or fish at least) or level up the shop. Please help! Thanks!

*Edit* So I just watched the official YouTube trailer for the game and it looked like the broken boat by where your character wakes up is supposed to give you a fishing pole with a second interaction with the boat, but that did not happen for me and I've been back there several times and there's nothing left to get from the boat. I'm not sure if you really are supposed to get the fishing pole from there or not but if you are, there's a glitch on my playthrough. I'll restart and check to see if it'll be there this time. 

*Edit again* Restarting a new game did not give me a fishing pole. 😭

They did drop it officially. They put out a post in June of 2022 about it.

I knew it was going to get dropped. Super disappointing. Waiting for years. Ugh. On to the next I guess.

Never mind. It's because it didn't want just a clam. I used mushrooms. And then to feed your self, click on the food in the inventory and then the picture of yourself on the right.

How... do you cook? I've tried and i just cant seem to get the food to cook? Idk what I'm doing wrong. Gonna die of starvation at this point.

I paid $50 and then $20 twice on Patreon. But I have no way to access the beta. 

I paid for the beta version a long time ago, how do I access it?

Is She Jiu a snake fella? Lookin mighty scrumptious. AND A MERMAN?!! 😭❤❤ ... snow guy! Ugh you're killing me. I'm so ready. 

I'm still so in love with this game. It's honestly one of the best and the art is so beautiful. I keep coming back to it even though I first played the demo what seems like years ago. I would sacrifice my own sister to play this game if you asked me to. 😂❤❤

I would honestly fight to the death to be able to play this game. This game is too good, I am dying to play it. I am praying for a speedy recovery and hope for the best! May all the team members look after their health first and return to us when they can! <3

Yeess! Thank you for the reply! I'm buying it today for sure!

Is this completed now? I swear only a few months ago it was still just a demo. It says it was published in 2019 though.

Honestly, the demo gave me a little anxiety when I played it a few months ago. Like, I was fully immersed in the story. I'm glad this isn't being dropped. I did notice some mistakes in spelling and syntax but I'm sure you have proofreaders for that and they weren't so noticeable that it turned me away from the game at all. Really top quality work and I can't wait for the finished product!

I just saw a comment below that it IS Moocha, I'm excited! That's a sexy cow, but I can't wait to play Finn, I love sharks.

Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually really curious about the scenes with Howl, Sterion, and Thunder. I know I will not be disappointed.

I'm so excited to play this. I did the whole Patreon thing, so I'll have the beta access. I'm curious, who is going to be the 1 character that we get to romance on the beta access? I'm thinking it'll probably be sexy cow Moocha, since we meet him first, but will it be someone else?

I'm not sure if the demo has been updated since the last time I played it, but I pre-ordered it. I'm seriously such a huge fan of every game you've put out! I own all of them, except the Jack one (which I will!) and I'm really looking forward to this one! Can I just say, that adding the choice to top or bottom is just *chef's kiss*. I usually prefer the bottom POV in games I play so I love being able to choose for maximum experience!

The potential for this game is too great. Who do I have to pay to get this game completed? :'(

I played the demo again and I really can't wait to play the completed version. I'd pay anything! The storyline is amazing and each character, not just the three you can room with, are beautiful! I'm really excited to see the finished product! I can tell that a lot of hard work is going into making this!

I was able to get it to download and run with the zip file! Thanks for the help!!

I'll try the way you suggested and hopefully that works!

For some reason, it won't let me select anything in the install box, it just shows me a small empty box. I tried it on my sister's laptop that I just had to factory reset and redownload the app and it still doesn't work. When I click Install, I get this error message now (which sounds like a coding error, but I'm not well versed in coding at all. The only knowledge I have of that is just from the basic class I completed for University last week):

It won't let me even download it. I plan to try again as soon as I get home. I loved playing the demo before but it was so long ago, I want to play it again! 

It's Daino for me. Rugged, serious, handsome, and has a weakness for small things? Sign me the frick up! Will this have R18 scenes available? Cuz you know I'm all about that smut, but won't turn down a good story.

I can't wait! I plan to join the patreon one when I can to help out because I'm seriously looking forward to playing the full game! I only wish I could jump forward through time to play it faster. The art is seriously amazing and the storyline is the best!

I concur! I only hope it doesn't get dropped for some reason. If it does, I can't tell you what my course of action will be... but I can tell you that it will be swift and just. xD

Oh noooo, it won't let me play it again! I uninstalled and tried to re-install it and now I can't!! My life is over!! It's been 11 months since the last time I played the demo. I'm so sad.

Oh no! Please continue to make this! It's so good, I really want to see how it goes!!

Wait, now I don't remember if I ever did download it... Ah, I'm confused. I play so many games. If I didn't download it, I just thought it had a lot of potential based on the store page detailing what the game was about. >.<

I downloaded the demo and it was really good. What a waste of potential since it's dropped. Ughhh

Actually, that game sounds like it would be super amazing to play! Can't wait to see the finished project!

We'll get to see what they look like? Yuusss. I was hoping so! Ophelia's description left me wanting a visual representation for sure!

I'm poor right now because I'm a crappy Uni student with a part time job, but in a couple of weeks, I'm joining your patreon for sure. <3

Shiiit... Pardon my language, but I seriously can't wait for this to be reallll! I'm going to declare myself Ertal's number 1 fan, please don't fight me on this, you'll lose. I seriously can't get over how great all of these games are. The storylines are frickin amazing and the art is fantastic! Ugh, I'm obsessed.