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It's a pretty good thing, it fit well with how the character start to realize that he cannot mess out with many womens, a path were he'll be somewhat faithful to one would be wholesome.

Not having a kind of scumbag that will just have fun with everyone, without any repercussion, and having a harem will change from your casul adult game without a potent story, though for now it somewhat make sense (he try to make everyone happy, or at least to let them live a better life than it was before)

+ that will fit the character i think, he is trying to have a better life by correcting the error he made in his past life, so it would only make sens that he think twice before engaging himself with every women he meet to  just f*ck up hiss life a second time

This is an Adult game ok, but the opnly one i know with a really interesting and deep story, i honestly think that even a non adult ver in the end of the project could deserve to be released (well, the arts are real good too, won't lie, but the story as is it now would probably be enoguht for a pretty good Virutal Novel like, and so on for people not interested in H, or even have a bigger public to enjoy this story, thought we're not here yet)

So the H are real good, but i honeslty think that without the good story, i wouldn't like and be interested this game as much as i do now, really love your work, kep up the good work ! without doing too much, health before everything else :)

I strongly agree!