Thank you for letting us know! Ill get this info to the programmers.
Hi Luel--we did some troubleshooting today and it looks like this is typically a graphics card driver related error. I actually get the same one on my old laptop when trying to run the game because my drivers can't be updated anymore (it's a very old laptop). Most folks seem to have luck after just updating their graphics drivers and DirectX to the latest version. If that doesn't work, here's a more in depth article with additional options:,driver%20for%20your%20PC's%20GPU.
Thank you for looking into this and for the link.
I read the article, but I am afraid there is nothing I can do.
My computer is almost ten years old.
Running the game as an administrator was exactly the first thing I did, before sending a comment here.
My graphics card is Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 and Intel Driver Assistant claims everything is up to date, so I guess that means no updates anymore.
I will not touch the registry unless I know exactly what to edit, which I have no clue about.
I run out of things to try.
I guess I am not going to play the game in the foreseeable future.