This game is freaky and awesome. I'm a sucker for "eldritch ritual to access another world" stories and this one's really well made. You took the ritual and elevated it into a full-on cinematic experience. Great game, loved exploring the uncanny alt-apartment complex.
Oh yeah, and is the person who freaked out in the mirror dare a reference to Psychomanteum? Maybe they should consider a pause on the the three dares thing, it seems to carry a pretty high death toll...
Re: Reika [rot13], V jbaqre jung cneg bs gur raqvat vf fhccbfrq gb uvag gung fur qbrfa'g rkvfg? V nffhzrq, onfrq ba gur jnl rirelbar gnyxf nobhg ure, gung fur npghnyyl vf n erny crefba ohg gurer'f ab jnl gb fnir ure sebz gur ryringbe evghny orpnhfr fur varivgnoyl gevrf vg ba ure bja, trgf frcnengrq sebz lbh, naq qvrf. Gur bayl guvat V pna guvax bs vf gung gur vafgehpgvbaf fnl gur evghny bayl jbexf jvgu bar crefba, naq lbh fgneg bss va gur ryringbe gbtrgure, ohg V svtherq gung jnf whfg fgergpuvat gur ehyrf n yvggyr.