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Oh you're updating your comment! I was like... wasn't there more to answer! Sorry for the late reply, I just got to my computer! Congrats on cracking the code!!! 

To decrypt a map, you'll need to be on the radio tower tile. Once you've solved the puzzle, you'll roll 3xD6. Use the priority map on pg05. (So if you roll a 12, the treasure on the map is 2 spaces south of the tile you're on. 

There are a few opportunities during different events to interact with a Helper F2. (You may have the option to kill it) With a PDF if you type ctrl+F you can search a document for a word. So if you really want a Helper F-2, see where it pops up in bold and just be on the lookout for that. Just glancing back over everything, i see at least 2 opportunities to interact with a dead Helper F2. Feel free to note on your map after you've killed one so you can go back and visit it if needed. 

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Glad to see your reply, I have some question again 

1.Is Radio tower counted as icon? 

2. Can I use same radio tower to decypt 3 maps? and When I decrypt map it will end day?

3. When I move to get treasure I have to roll for event? Or just grap treasure and end day? 

1. Radio tower counts as an icon on the map yep! 

2. You can use the same tower to decrypt all maps. Since that tile is a place you've visited before you would do steps (A-C-H-F-G) the event for the radio tower building would be decrypting the maps. So once you've done those yes, your day would end. (You can do all 3 in the same day)

3. Tiles with a treasure icon on them work like I demonstrated above. A-C-H-F-G. The 'event' is just finding the treasure no exciting text for those im afraid. The decrypted maps should tell you the terrain of the area you unlocked. Basically grab treasure and end the day. 

It's mean that when I roll dice to locate treasure I must add terrain to that location right? But if that location is already has terrain that not match with the treasure I can use locate treasure to that tie? 

if it lands on a tile you've been to before, you'll use the priority map to find the next possible spot. Just go up the numbers. (So if you rolled a 12 and it's not a mountain like map 8 wants, you'll check tile 13, then 14 and onward until you find a blank tile or the terrain that the map points out. ) it's like the map says "this treasure is somewhere south in the mountains", use the compass to find it. 

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ok it's make sense, I have question on TS8 it say that I throw weapon so it's mean that when I use this TS next turn I can't use it again? 

The final riddle is hard I can't crack it orz. 

ts8 has you throw your weapon, so you can't use it again next turn if you only have one weapon left! You can only throw a weapon once per battle. I would save that for the end of battle. 

The last cryptic puzzle is very hard! But I bet EVEN  you can figure it out, especially since you got the maps figured out. 

If it use same method other cryptid I think I crack it but when I type password it's not work orz. 

if you message me in Twitter or discord or Instagram I can tell you what's wrong.


Can I confirm that I must decrypt message that over QR and put that message as password right?