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MY GODDD ASTROOO! Your long and detailed reviews are always so so much appreciated! It truly made my day so much better! Don't worry about the grammar, it's not as if I'm the best at it too LOL. As long as I can understand you, you're good.

[Spoilers below]

I'm sorry yet I'm also happy to know how much you've related to the game and the characters! Whenever someone said that about this game, I always feel somewhat relieved because I poured a lot of my emotions into this game, so people better feel at least something when they play this (/j /nsrs)

Just to confirm, the characters are 18 when Amerta died. Still didn't make it any less tragic of course, but I just thought I'd let you know. By the end of the story, they're 21 approaching 22 years old. But I'm happy you think Amerta is still very interesting despite her being a hallucination! She's definitely a character that I worry the most here, since the whole game is technically about her, I want to do her justice lol. Your assumptions for most of the characters are right on track too!

I'm also super happy to know that you think my art improved here! I tried really hard to show that I've improved in my skills (even if just a little!) with each and every new work I released. I hope you can think so too whenever you get around to playing my most recent work. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in that page sooner or later!

Tbh, I'd love to type more to show you how appreciative I am and at least to try and match the effort you went through to type all that. But I'm really going to sound like a broken record, saying that I'm happy and I'm glad every time, even though it's true 😭

So I'll end it here. Once again, I'm glad that you found something of value in two of my works so far and thank you so much for your continued support! :D

(1 edit) (+1)


Don't worry about it! I'm fine with shorter replies. I enjoy writing out reviews and voicing my opinions, I'm glad that you enjoy my reviews. I didn't expect them to be 18, but it does feel better than having literal 13-16 years old getting run over by a car, train, getting stabbed, ect. ect

I'll definitely be back with more, keep up the great work Sylvan! I'm happy to hear that my reviews put a smile on your face :))