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You actually can manage not to get that scene, all you have to do is not give her a strike after the first gym event.

I try to give the player as many options as I can, and there are a lot of ways to control the scenes to your liking, but sometimes, it'd just make the scope of the game way too big for a 1-person dev project if every playstyle were to be adopted. And concerning Haruka, she is one of the main targets of the Academy, so inevitably, there will be a point in which the player will get close to her, especially because she can be quite assertive, so if one of the main girls is a turnoff, there's not much I can do...

And the MC in that scene does appear a little too passive, but that was also intended, as he is supposed to be caught 'off-guard' and surprised by Haruka. Later on, he starts to 'get it' and realize how much power he has inside the Academy.

Thanks for giving the game a try though ;)


Hey, thanks for the reply, sorry for taking so long to write back!

I'd first like to say that this game is very valuable because it explores a niche many other devs and games take distance - and are at times ouright pushed away - from. So you creating this game is such a boon to the community, and that should always be at the forefront of any appraisal of it, I feel.

When it comes to the scope of the game getting too big if too much is added, I understand how that's a concern for any developer, and that you are aware of that pitfall and trying to avoid it speaks well of you. However, that argument I think I'd accept more if I were saying "please create this C route!" - which maybe it looked like I was asking for, when I said I wanted to act as this "mask of propriety, scheming behind everyone's back MC". 

But since you say there is a way to avoid getting that Haruka scene, that already means there are two states - "had sex with Haruka" and "didn't have sex with Haruka." Both are already in the game, and I'm not saying to create additional ones. What I'm saying is that, imo, the game would be best served by having another "state flip" inside of the office room. So what decides if you go down state A instead of B isn't just the "strike choice", but also this would be second "office choice", which imo is justified because on the strike choice it's not clear that striking Haruka would irrevocably lead you to get sexual with her. To me the sexual ramifications of the choice were not nearly telegraphed enough.

I understand that your resources, of time and motivation, are limited. So it's totally fine if for you this is a non-issue, or you see it and think, "he has a point, but it places really low on my list of priorities." Continuing the game's story should always be, I think, amongst a developer's highest priorities - no one likes endless remakes of the early game when the whole is nowhere near finished. But maybe note this down somewhere, and it can be something you add/change once you complete the game, and are looking back at the entirity of it for potential things to improve.

Again, this game is valuable to the AVN community as a whole, as is you developing it. That's the most important thing here, and I'm rooting for your success. Be sure to take of yourself first and foremost, so you can bring this game to completion, for it's needed.