Public release will be on March 17th.
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Maybe there will be actions that don't advance the time of day, so you could then perform other actions with it. As for your other questions:
- The 50k was for what MC did up to that point in the story. I don't plan on having money as a game mechanic, so that was only a narrative point.
- The girls will wear panties again after a week, but I'll eventually make it so that if their corruption is high enough, they can be permanently without them.
- And what deflowering are you referring to? Emiko? If so, her event is already in the current game version (0.07.3a).
I'm not sure if that's a question or not but I'll try to answer it :P
The game has 4 Main Girls, and some other characters that are important to the story. You will be able to have a deeper relationship with them.
The game has lots of Side Characters. There will, at some point, exist sexual interactions with most if not all of them, but most likely the MC won't have a deeper relationship with these side characters.
Currently, the easiest way for her to get lower than 100 on the test is in the first weekly test event, where you can give her a 0 for cheating. She really cares about her grades, so that should be enough, maybe some affection/corruption can help.
There's also a very rare event where she can miss the exam, but that's hard to get.