Thank you for the feedback about Firefox and Safari. I tried it (briefly) on Firefox on my Windows 11 machine, and it ran fine, so I assumed it would be fine. I’m sorry it didn’t work well! I also have an M1 Mac, and it ran fine on Safari for me, but now I’m really curious what was making the memory go over. I tried to ensure everything was pooled and ready for use from the start. Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback! A true testament for when releasing to test on as much hardware as possible.
I also went ahead and made a new build which saves the high score (per session), tuning the mini-boss’s ‘safe zone’ direction, and making the barrels only spawn at 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees +/- 10 for some variation to ensure they actually bounce down at you! In the spirit of the game jam, I’m not sure whether to upload it or not. Maybe I’ll make it an optional download.
Thank you a ton for the feedback. I really appreciate it to help me grow as a developer!