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Sorry for the late reply, i just looked on this page and saw it! Had no clue haha!

Anyways, thanks for the advice! I agree with most of your gripes as i made the game in two days (or one? I dont remember haha) for a game jam thing
The map indeed doesn't look great lol. I really have to improve that at some point...

Do you have any idea on how to improve the mechanic on which enemy you have to shoot? I dont think that i want an arrow pointing in that direction, as i still want it to be some kind of challenge to look for the next target, but i also dont want to have the player have it too hard lol.

What do you think of selecting that yourself? Aka; you press WASD to select the direction of the enemy you want to shoot and then you attack them? No clue if that would be a smart idea or a way to big challenge lol.

I could however also just put some kind of marker under the player maybe? Like a circle selecting it?

But well, i hope that you still read the message after almost a year xD
Thanks again for the informative and helpful reply! Cheers :)