Hello! I love this plugin, this works great!
I have a problem though, for some reason when I use the plugin to fadeout, when i follow it with normal fade in (without unique transition) it doesn't work and the screen remains dark. Is the following fadein need to be done in unique transition too?
Thank you very much!
Viewing post in Rosedale Transition Effects [MV-MZ] comments
Hello, this is me again ^^
I think encountered a problem. During playtest the plugin works great but when I deployed it, this happens. As I change it back to default fadein/fadeout the error is gone tho, so I know it's the plugin :( I have it updated to the newest version too!
Oh, also I can't save when this plugin is on, for some reason ;; when i save, it will get a buzz with 'could not save' warning. I wonder if it clashes with visustella save core?
Hello!~ I apologize but I believe these errors you are getting on deployment, and the issue with saves may stem from another plugin, I have just test deployed my project which includes the aura plugin, and I am able to load the game without any errors whatsoever. It MAY indeed be a compatibility with VisuStella Save Core, but it does not seem likely, as this plugin is very non-invasive, and does not overwrite any important functions that would affect saves in anyway. Have you tried disabling the aura plugin, and re-deploying? to see if the error persists?
As for the save issue, I am 99% sure that the issue is stemming from another plugin, again if you can verify that the issue IS from this plugin( by disabling it, redeploying your game, and everything works as intended ), then I am more than willing to assist you, however I will need a demo project in order to properly debug these issues, as I am not able to replicate any of this on my end. for the demo project, you can either message me via discord, or send an email( I'd recommend discord ). ^^ This project does not need to be your actual game, in any way shape or form, just a base project with my plugin( and whatever other plugin(s) are conflicting ), installed, and the errors present so that I can attempt to find the problem.
Yep I have tried to disable all plugins but this one and the other way around (all plugins excluding this one), and the trouble still persists.
Also another weird thing is it happens after i use the fade, i can save normally before starting one event with custom transition;;
If it's okay, may I send the link via discord? ^^7 I will contact you!