This is really well written, and the last line truly hits me...
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Sorry it took time! But the guide is done : D
Hello! Thank you for playing this game and leaving a comment! ☺️
-Ah, I'll take a look on the opening lines again. It's either I missed smt or the game itself having bug
-the vision blur is just a habit of mine when making visual novels 🫣💦
I thought it kinda makes it more atmospheric but maybe I overdid it too much here 🤣
- Datalog is indeed important for dialogues-heavy game like this. Glad to see it useful ♡
-Ah it was my own error, I did fix it on latest build (see below)
-yep that choice is the only one where you can softlock into normal ending, other stuffs are linear. I guess I didn't give the hint more clearly that player must choose tea to get two drinks (and gain one talk topic,). If I make new build I'll make the hints clearer 🤔 (and I wanna give some bad ends too)
- tysm! The self-published novel also serves as a hint on Kuon's wellbeing considering he self inserts a lot (lmao him). In the extended ending there's a detail that gives him writing extreme porn a new context.
- Haha glad you found it hot 😋 i have fun writing wacky lewd scenes like that (tgt with photocopy scene)
- tysm! This game is literally a sample on what I want to do and what I can do, as my next games will delve in similar theme (rpgmaker, omegaverse, BL nukige). Seeing ppl playing and giving supports do encourage me to keep this path ☺️❤️
Four peaches more! The game is relatively linear so it's not hard, though one earliest decision can make you softlocked into normal ending
I'm happy hearing you enjoy the dialogue options, i thought I went a bit overboard bcs I wanna tell many things XD
Yes I wanna focus on this niche bcs it feels rather unexplored in games, compared to manga or fics. the next one will have new characters but Nao and Kesa from Honnyara will appear (i'm still thinking whether to add kuon or koan)
Glad to hear you're interested on this theme ☺️❤️
Hello! Thank you so much for playing and commenting! Did you get the true/extended ending? : D
I'm glad you found this game engaging. Omegaverse world has so much potential to expand on 😚 there's still so much story I want to tell with this theme (even focusing on other characters like Kesa and Nao), so please stay tuned!
Yep I have tried to disable all plugins but this one and the other way around (all plugins excluding this one), and the trouble still persists.
Also another weird thing is it happens after i use the fade, i can save normally before starting one event with custom transition;;
If it's okay, may I send the link via discord? ^^7 I will contact you!
Hello, this is me again ^^
I think encountered a problem. During playtest the plugin works great but when I deployed it, this happens. As I change it back to default fadein/fadeout the error is gone tho, so I know it's the plugin :( I have it updated to the newest version too!
Oh, also I can't save when this plugin is on, for some reason ;; when i save, it will get a buzz with 'could not save' warning. I wonder if it clashes with visustella save core?
Hello! I love this plugin, this works great!
I have a problem though, for some reason when I use the plugin to fadeout, when i follow it with normal fade in (without unique transition) it doesn't work and the screen remains dark. Is the following fadein need to be done in unique transition too?
Thank you very much!
glad you enjoy it! hehe this is actually a small test game that i made for interest-check thing, so it wasn't rly elaborate ^^; i promise next game it will be better!
I'm glad you can finish it without guide! at first i was planning a guide but i think this game can be finished without one, it only has one ending after all...
again, tysm for playing! (つ´∀`)つ