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This is a lot of fun! Very hectic in a good way! 

Glad you like it! thanks 😀 yeah we originally planned quite a few more features but due to team availability we had to make some cuts (on average each team member was only available for a week of the jam during evenings).

Cut plans were: boss fight, a store that allows you to buy better cannon balls, lemons instead of oranges for better scurvy prevention, a more absorbent mop, stronger planks, more plank crates, more cannon crates, goo damages the players, multiplayer.

Either way though it was a lot of fun and we all made new friends in the process. I hope more people get a chance to check out the game and enjoy it. I can us (or at least myself 😅) continuing to work on this project and making it into a fun little indie game with more features. Each member of the team put in a lot of effort and covered gaps in skillsets to make this happen!