Awesome, happy to know you enjoyed it!
I hope those answers help you (in case I missed something, feel free to answer this comment):
- The font I used is one I made myself.
I have thought about posting it here on itch before, but didn't do it because it was in a very early phase. For instance, close to finishing this game that I noticed it didn't have a "?" character 🙃
Until then, some really good pixel fonts, in case you don't know, are managore's fonts, like this one. - Whenever you see text that has an icon or different text color, it always is a RichTextLabel node with BB Code activated.
It might seem a bit intimidating at first, and sizing it can be finicky too, but it's really powerful. You can add effects (like shaking letters), change font mid-text, and add icons/change text color as well.
The docs page for it gotta be one of the doc pages I open the most!- Regarding this game in particular, I created a function that looks for certain keywords and add a icon + color to them. So, whenever the word "Food" appears, I add the food icon right before it, and also change its color.
This helped me immensely! If I had to manually code the text to look like that, I just would not have done it.
- Regarding this game in particular, I created a function that looks for certain keywords and add a icon + color to them. So, whenever the word "Food" appears, I add the food icon right before it, and also change its color.
- Finally, when importing a pixel font in Godot 4, IIRC, it can end up looking blurry. This isn't difficult to solve, but I can't remember the exact way to solve it. I think it is what says on this reddit post.
Hope this helps!