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A member registered Sep 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Just the discord for right now, but I plan to do so in the future!

(2 edits)

just throwing around ideas ;) scope creep is a beast but I’d love to see this project expand more, It has potential as a great casual game

This game is just sooo cozy and fun! I actually started making something similar but with hand drawn isometric tiles, which made me think, maybe some texture pack/variations could be fun ;)

this is really late, but i found this pretty sick web program for making fonts really fast FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts its a bit janky, but wayy way faster than making a ton of individual svgs. it works really well especially for smaller fonts, which is just what i was looking for.

Thanks so much!

This has been one of my best concepts I've made, I definitely think the multifaceted theme and mechanics are very unique and make it more than just a generic game about death.

I would highly recommend when thinking of jam ideas, don't just limit yourself to the theme, think of something that can both apply to the theme and also be your own unique idea.

Thanks for the resources!

I'll definitely take this into consideration for future developments.

you can use Q to switch cards, but arrow keys is not currently supported as it doesn't make sense to use arrows + mouse.

Thanks for letting me know, i'll keep this in mind for future development.

Thanks so much!

fair enough lol

thanks for letting me know :D

Thanks so much for your kind words.

I 100% agree with the level design, tutorial and difficulty issues, as these were designed in about 2 hours before the jam ended and had no external playtesting. I later realized afterward the extreme difficulty curve, watching some friends playing it.  A more detailed and slow paced introduction is one of the highest things on my list of things to improve.

I'm glad you enjoyed the overall experience and graphics; I will certainly follow your suggestions in further development.

Glad you enjoyed it!

just wondering, was  the browser closing a problem with the game, or just your computer?

just wanna make sure i can make the game as stable as possible.

thanks for your feedback!

Thanks so much!

With any luck, I hope someday it might be !!

Thanks for your feedback!

lookahead is something i would love to add, just not sure the best way to implement it (I'm using godot 4)

also from other playtesting, definitely need to adjust some of the enemy behavior and difficulty.

The polish and theme were my main priority, so I'm happy to hear they are well received.

glad you enjoyed it, I will certainly be working to improve based on your feedback.

I'm sorry to hear that, do you just not have a keyboard or something?

just wanna make sure it's not a problem with the game.

would gamepad/controller support help?

thanks for the feedback, would love some clarification so i can improve the gameplay experience. 

ok! so its fairly open that makes sense

idk if ill make anything, but sounds like a lot of fun!

Im not super familiar with ttrpgs, but this particular jam caught my eye ;)

I love the idea of this, just not sure exactly what is supposed to be made.

is it a full ttrpg/board game with a menu as the board or something?

or a menu for a restaurant in a ttrpg?

or something else?



how can a squirrel get a date but i cant

10/10 i am now crying in a dark corner having an existential crisis

would play again

entirely missed the video at first, this is the first time someone has covered one of my games, Thanks so much this is so cool!

Thanks so much!

Certainly will do!

Glad you enjoyed it.

Horray! 777777

Amazing and unique game!

really only complaint is the liquid movement is kinda frustrating sometimes, altho i guess it kinda makes it a rage game

also i found it hard to identify the center of the blob when changing forms.

Mayammo lol

Glad you enjoyed it!


It Technically does have mechanics, it adds to the mayo meter a bit when u spread it, but yes i wish i had more time to add more functionality such as slowing down enemies, etc.

Overall, really really amazing and polished. 

really the only complaint (not really a complaint more like observation) is that the particles appear to cause some lag in the web version. I also had this issue with my game, and have learned that apparently GPU particles don't like browsers, I have yet to test if CPU particles have the same problem, but just wanted to let you know for the future :)

Thanks for the feedback!

Unfortunately, the story is not as developed in game as I hoped it would be. I should have added more story mechanics such as dialogue, lor collectables, etc. 

As for the gunplay, the mayo spreading was intended to have more implementation and gameplay mechanics, such as mayo slowing down enemies.

Again, thanks for the honest feedback, and I will definitely focus on those areas in further development of this project.


will do

mayo forever

very insightful!

i have never written a postmortem before, but after reading this ive been inspired to make one for my game as well :D

i can definitely see the benefits of postmortems now and how they can help you learn from your mistakes.

Thanks for the feedback!

I think i know what is causing the lag now, so in the future ill make sure to fix that.

Yeah ill do some testing in the future to see if i can verify i

Yo thats so cool!

Thanks a lot!

Also now that i think of it, where would i go to make my own font like you said you did?

is there any special tools?

im not very familiar with the ui/control side of game dev ;)


i had no clue why it was sometimes laggy and sometimes not

thats probably why

do CPU particles work better for browser?


that is actually a good idea yeah will keep that in mind!

another solution or additionally i could have the enemies have an outline through walls or smth so they cant hide.

Thanks so much for the response!

I had heard about BB code before, but it looked scary lol

will def check it out sounds really fun and powerful!

the adding colors and icons for specific keywords is so smart ill definitely keep that in mind for the future.

Also really loved the circular progress bars theyre just so satisfying lol

Really neat game! Loved the visuals!

one question, how did you do the text? like what font did you use and how did you get different text colors and icons in Godot?

was struggling with having good looking pixel text for my game, so i would love to know a better way to do it :)

Yea i think with a more advanced tutorial it could be a really unique game!

and btw heres my submission if u wanna check it out:

MAYO RIOT by Jwduth (

def skill issue my game is perfect(joking)

thanks for the feedback, will def keep in mind for a full release in the future.

Hmmmm thats weird idk why it has performance issues...

some other people have said it runs just smoothly so i will need to look into that.

also readability will definitely be a priority in the future.

Thanks for the feedback!