First of all, thank you for playing Shade Strider and leaving such kind compliments.
I really enjoyed my time playing Forest of Calamity. I got heavy Paper Mario vibes from this, especially with the turn-based combat and the combat scene that reminded me of a theater stage.
Much of the artwork really made me warm and fuzzy. The castle was well designed, and you fit details onto it that made it feel truly alive -- a few animated details (flags waving, people bustling about) would be another nice touch if you continue working on the game.
Also, thanks to your art style, I felt the humor of the characters pretty intensely. They have so much personality and it's really endearing! The king is so goofy looking (which lends to his "incompetent" nature), the fox seems like a character I should probably be skeptical of, and I felt so bad for the poor goblin I slayed without the slightest hesitation -- was there an option for me to spare them? Another thing to tally in your win column is how well the forest background of the game blends seamlessly with the webpage's background. I don't want to take that for granted -- I really appreciate your attention to detail.
Boy, oh boy, that music was incredible! The boss soundtrack came out of nowhere and had no right to be so pumped. It absolutely slaps. There was so much tension there. Impending doom! Big bad boy! That, coupled with the screen shaking, made the game feel alive. More to that point, I would have loved to see your world-building in action with that opening cutscene. The text was interesting, and I think some background images or animations would have done that even more justice. I understand, again, that there is a time limit to this and I absolutely do not fault you for it. (It turns out that it was only displaying a black screen on Firefox, so I tried Chrome and it worked properly. I love the intro cutscene, great job!!!) Your team is creative and I want to see more of what you have to offer.
I can see your vision for how you want this to unfold, and I think you should absolutely pursue this further. If you are interested in finding a game artist, I would love to help you out in some capacity! But you don't owe me anything, and I hope that isn't an unwelcome thing to say. I just see so much personality in this game and it piqued my interest!
I want more. Jan and Annabelle, you have done a fantastic job and I am really charmed by this little game. Please keep up the great work, and remember that you're now officially game developers!