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I like the mechanics; needs some refinement.  I feel is has some "troll" elements like how there's one colour of obstacle that can be completely ignored, or one level that seems to have invisible obstacles.  Something that needs more thought is how difficult is is to move vertically, since there's far less screen area up/down so there's far less information for reacting to obstacles.

(1 edit)

I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed the mechanics!  Initially, the idea was to make something like a "rage" game with simple controls.  I'm not sure that's what I ended up actually doing tho lol.  As for vertical movement, I think you're absolutely right.  I'll look into adjusting the movement.  If not the movement itself, perhaps I'll adjust the "camera" to allow  for more time to react to obstacles.  

I really appreciate your feedback.  Sincerely thank you for playing!

EDIT:  I've increased the viewing distance on larger levels, hopefully solving the issues with vertical movement :)