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A member registered Jul 11, 2018

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Is it intentional the framerate gets worse as I go, down to 2fps after 33 bees?  I'd believe it if you said yes -- this isn't bee heaven.

Gone again.

Music stops after the first "Continue ?"  Also, game crashed when I walked off-screen at street level.  Fun enough little game, I didn't have trouble with walljump it's just difficult.

25m44s 1005 clicks.  Brilliant ideas here, like the second clock puzzle.

Excellent bit of horror.

`problems with FMOD: (TypeError) : $wnd.FMOD_System is undefined`

Got stuck in Botanics. https://imgur.com/screenshot-LCgCG5F

Not mobile, Firefox.  It's probably because the "map" element has twenty "area" child elements, but the "coords" attributes for areas "map8" through "map20" are empty strings.

Getting many "The “coords” attribute of the <area shape="poly"> tag is not in the “x1,y1,x2,y2 …” format."  errors from jquery and myJs.

If I use verb "Hit" with noun "Pillar Nail" then click "execute," it asks me for a second noun; then it highlights the second noun in orange.  When I click 'execute' again it asks me again for a second noun instead of responding to my attempt.

Game crashed at the end of day two with " exception thrown: RuntimeError: unreachable executed,@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/7962198/MYASPIZZA-POSTJAM/Build/MYASPIZZA-POSTJAM.wasm:wasm- "

Ran into a problem pretty early: possessed one of the wall-crawlers, who can change "down" when they slide towards a wall.  But that "down" is still "down" when I leave that body (ie pressing "up" makes me fly west).  "East" is still "down" when I possess a human body.  My humans are now tilted to the right and fall right-wards... which gets me stuck.

web verison won't load, error console is full of: "still waiting on run dependencies: dependency: loadDylibs ; dependency: al https://html.itch.zone.html/10068677/HTML5/index.side.wasm"

Well done!  I feel this is the kind of game I would've seen selling on shelves during the 8-bit era.

You say this is a de-make, but this is one of the better suika games I've seen.  The little physics errors are charming not frustrating, I never feel like the vibration/noise cheats me of an opportunity.

How can we prevent the shield from getting destroyed?  Seems like a random game-over timer.

Charming! It took a bit of getting used to, but there's a lot here done with small pieces.

* mouse control is tweaked really high -- moving the mouse one pixel moves the controller ten, so that's 40px of space for a 400px playfield; frustrating when accuracy is important and I expect it'd be worse on a touchscreen
* sometimes critters that are the same type won't combine when touching.  Twice I've seen a lvl4 ball bounce off another lvl4 ball, or lvl3 balls resting against each other.  My guess is the physics still assume the "fruit" are circles, but the images are irregular shapes?

Firefox 122.0

In Chrome I get different error messages: "Unrecognized feature: 'monetization'."  "Unrecognized feature: 'xr'." a long list of "No __{function_name} in gl.js" and "mq_js_bundle.js:3 Version mismatch: gl.js version is: 0.3.12, miniquad crate version is: 0.4.0"

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: miniquad_add_plugin is not defined

  • Different music on different levels. good!
  • Decorative items do nothing.  Ehn.
  • Decorative items appear in large rooms with water floors (ie lamppost, stone well)  Weird.
  • Ghosts can move through walls (good!) but not decorative items (weird)
  • You are blatantly exploiting my nostalgia... successfully.
  • Game save is 'O' not 'X'
  • got attacked by a mongbat that was inside a wall, but I could attack it back.  I only noticed because I was taking damage near a wall, and turning around enough I could see one wing clip out.
  • I made a copy of the map to show names can fit in the hexes; I used the same font and size as you use for instructions.  but! This is also a spoiler map because I added colours to show artifacts and run-ending hexes to illustrate my next point.  (ugh, itch.io auto-embeds, I have to post a corrupt url. https //i.imgur.com/sH65R7J.jpg
  • There's only three possible first moves, and the "obvious" first move is 19->17 because the artifact on 17 is the only way deal with "obstacles", and encountering an obstacle (ie 19->15) promptly ends the run AND incurs a penalty on your next run, sending you back to 19 where 19->17 is one of the choices.
  • The only L3 move worth getting is Bitcrush, because there are no "traps" nor "barriers" on the map, just "obstacles" and "enemies".
  • When I use Daemonware, are Datafiend and Sourcespawn considered "adjacent" to Dreadcode (because I can move from Dreadcode to those hexes in one move), even though they're on the far edges of the hexflower?

I hope I don't come across as harsh. I'm being critical because I think this idea really has legs so I'm putting in the energy to scrutinize it. The theme is great, hexflower as a dungeon-crawl feels like it has a lot of meat on these bones.  Hell, perfect optimization becomes a milquetoast experience, don't try to smooth out every wrinkle.

  • Reduce the visual noise behind the text -- white smears + white text = trying to read white smears.
  • I was going to say something about most moves will be E or SE but the hexflower has wraparound edges so it's fine; maybe better than fine since it feels like you're being pushed towards the finish line.
  • There's an obvious "if you don't do this on your first turn you failed" which makes me wonder why even have a first turn.
  • There's enough space on the hexes to use room names instead of numbers.

I like the mechanics; needs some refinement.  I feel is has some "troll" elements like how there's one colour of obstacle that can be completely ignored, or one level that seems to have invisible obstacles.  Something that needs more thought is how difficult is is to move vertically, since there's far less screen area up/down so there's far less information for reacting to obstacles.

I found the best way to progress was not to interact with the environment -- just run through enemies to take one hit, instead of getting hit 3-4 times if I stop to fight them.  That feels like a design flaw.

I look forward to the "future development."

In the tutorial level, after getting all my abilities removed and using the telemat to get into the boss room, the next telemat doesn't work and there no jumping to get around it.

What'm I supposed to do in the room marked with an orange "B" ? I found an ugly pile of red, with a chimney and three waving grey arms.  I can push the pile to either door, but I take damage the first time I touch the pile.  There's some signs at the top that look like a sideways red shield and a "no" symbol, and three purple upside-down trees I can't interact with.

Can I launch it in DirectX9 mode, or OpenGL? because:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in wow64 32-bit code (0x76fb7e67).
=>0 0x76fb7e67 in mmf2d3d11 (+0x7e67) (0x005efe28)
  1 0x78a69139 in mmfs2 (+0x19139) (0x005efe3c)
  2 0x00408567 in temptation of the abyss (+0x8567) (0x005efe90)

I had to click on the mittens a second time before the back-arrow would accept clicks.

Is the game just an advertisement for leaving itch.io ?

game crashes when I jump down the hole: "undefined value in expression" in TreasureCave.js

I remember the original; this is a faithful reproduction with better quality.

Good little idea.  I wish I could say tidy implementation, but: inconsistent framerate (not much of a problem here, the puzzles don't need millisecond timing).  Much bigger is how jumping while carrying a block only works one in three attempts; most of the time my jump is truncated as if the block I'm carrying is blocking my upwards motion.

I really like this idea.  Needs refinement, but ain't that always the way.

* It's jarring to interrupt the game suddenly to show the purchase screen, the player should have some warning the gameplay is about to change modes.  Maybe a progress bar? 
* Speaking of progress, telling us what "wave" we're on while we play would satisfy those of us who like progression.
* Purchase prices are weird, how "common" can be more expensive than "rare" or "legendary," and after wave 6 the gameplay stopped to offer me purchases I could not afford, making the interruption not useful.
* The "return" button on the purchase screen is hidden behind the itch.io "View all" "Folow" etc buttons.  That's not a you problem that's Itch.
* The game pauses sometimes, I suspect because it's loading a new sound asset just before playing the sound.  Maybe Godot needs more hints about pre-loading assets.

Doesn't work in Firefox. I see errors about "same origin policy disallows reading the resource at" and lists play.google.com and cloud.unity3d.com

clever, with one "power-up" re-used over and over.  The music changing if you do/dont have the key is a nice touch.

I remember this from the bravebunny website in 2015.  Great music; who made the music for the menu loop and Training levels?

Deserves a #metroidvania tag.

Should've mentioned spacebar to jump, that's useful in the last room.  Final time of 1m26 is "laid back"?  What's the expected time?