web version crashed after the countdown and telling me the "secret":
Uncaught TypeError: GodotAudio.ctx is null
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"Summer Festival" not sure what I'm supposed to do here to collect resources. I think a 'tile' is the circles on the map, and each 'tile' has seven 'cells'? So a warehouse collects from adjacent 'tiles' but not the 'tile' the warehouse occupies? I've built warehouses on the same tile as a resource, and on a neighbouring tile, but only the "wood" resource increases over time not the "coconuts" resource. Also the warehouse says it has "autocollect amount x1.3" during construction, but "autocollect amount /1.666" when construction is complete. It gathers more during the minutes it's incomplete?
Getting many "The “coords” attribute of the <area shape="poly"> tag is not in the “x1,y1,x2,y2 …” format." errors from jquery and myJs.
If I use verb "Hit" with noun "Pillar Nail" then click "execute," it asks me for a second noun; then it highlights the second noun in orange. When I click 'execute' again it asks me again for a second noun instead of responding to my attempt.
Game crashed at the end of day two with " exception thrown: RuntimeError: unreachable executed,@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/7962198/MYASPIZZA-POSTJAM/Build/MYASPIZZA-POSTJAM.wasm:wasm- "
Ran into a problem pretty early: possessed one of the wall-crawlers, who can change "down" when they slide towards a wall. But that "down" is still "down" when I leave that body (ie pressing "up" makes me fly west). "East" is still "down" when I possess a human body. My humans are now tilted to the right and fall right-wards... which gets me stuck.
web verison won't load, error console is full of: "still waiting on run dependencies: dependency: loadDylibs ; dependency: al https://html.itch.zone.html/10068677/HTML5/index.side.wasm"
* mouse control is tweaked really high -- moving the mouse one pixel moves the controller ten, so that's 40px of space for a 400px playfield; frustrating when accuracy is important and I expect it'd be worse on a touchscreen
* sometimes critters that are the same type won't combine when touching. Twice I've seen a lvl4 ball bounce off another lvl4 ball, or lvl3 balls resting against each other. My guess is the physics still assume the "fruit" are circles, but the images are irregular shapes?