This is very well made! The only issues I have with it are the slime collisions, they get stuck in things sometimes making it so hard to laser them, and holding the mouse button causes strain after a while, maybe a toggle? As far as design, these are ideas for after the jam of course: I don't think the goblins should 'die' when their meter are empty, the slimes should split, and the slimes should be able to push you more, I camped in between two goblins and I'm able to beat any level that way, maybe have an increasing percentage of goblins needed to be 'alive' to finish the level, if you do keep the 'goblins die' thing? Overall very great game, good work! Visuals are excellent
Thanks for the feedback :)
There's defninitely work to be done improving the spawning and collisions to make sure things don't get stuck in each other, and adjustments to how the sun beam laser damages slimes - to damage enemies in it's path, not just what is the cursor is pointing at.
Also, a toggle option to the sun beam laser is a great idea :D