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A member registered Mar 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this. I wish it weren't so linear but I guess with floors of a building and programming an open world being way more complicated, it's excellent for what it is

Really enjoyed this, people that dance with you need to be your speed, maybe have a gather button to cluster your dancers together, your conversion rate should multiply based on the amount of people with you

(6 edits)

So I've played it so far... I cannot get past when you get the file, I have no idea what to do with it and it seems like the 2 judges didn't know how to get past it either, should be easier to explain.
Also some things:
You can't add Kelsey or Hepner or Myers to the database.
And during the SOS, Hepner says his name is Hepburn.
Great game still, just want to get to the end

I figured out the safezone install. It should say in the main screen to be able to run files. When you bring the snapshot back to Tronner and Kelsey, Kelsey says "What did it meant?" instead of "What did it mean?" that same line has another error, i forget. Got the first ending, Preservation. Hepner is called Hepburn again in the ending

My thoughts after beating it: Still love the idea and the gameplay. The game should start out normal, where everything is fine, and make it more gradually broken, to fit the spreading theme (even though you aren't really bound by that anymore, it's still more interesting), like have Selm start you up in secret as a tutorial, and all of the ship is fine, and Selm asks you to get info and generate a report to her to test that you work. Then things start going wrong, then it cuts to where the game begins now, then the sectors start slowly becoming not available. Really excited to  see how this game evolves, great work! I think there should be a lot of optional lore, additional modules, and everyone mentioned in the game should be able to be added to the database, I think knowing more about the crew would make the game more immersive

Still haven't played this all the way through, need to play it again to see if I see any non-UI related issues, and just to see what happens

Thank you so much for your comment!

I really like this! Reminds me of Paper Mario, I played on browser and it seems just fine on here, I really like the camera perspective, looks and plays and sounds great!

Very fun game! I wanted more, meaning, I wish it went on forever, and not stopped me, there should be a press button to end level or something like that, or if you beat the story version, do an endless mode

(1 edit)

Judging is over! (I think, the timer says it should be anyway), good work, all of you, 1,399 games! Look at what we did in 2 weeks, man, maybe we can do a reverse of this, maybe if all of us worked together on ONE game, it could be a AAA title! Congratulations guys and gals, I know having something like this really got me back into game design again, and having a goal to work towards really helped my mental health, I in particular have issues being motivated to get things done, and getting my game as far as I did is quite the accomplishment, have any of you noticed any positive things this jam did for your mental health? Proud of you all for submitting!

Very fun game! Art and gameplay are great!

Unfortunately I had 2 issues:

In level 2 I opened the wrong door and got stuck because the only locked door left had the only key left.

A bigger issue is that when I pressed A to quit the level (or any level i found out after), it wouldn't let me select animals again and i was stuck without being able to move or see an animal, making the level unbeatable.

Great concept and loved playing it!

I really really like the idea of this game. I think it would be amazing if the story was you find this plant that grows fast and you grab some and plant it in your ship and other planets and find out it's insanely invasive and spreads too fast and destroys the planets you plant it on and your ship too eventually

I really like the idea, the screen lagged due to all the creatures, maybe have an instance limit? I also ran out of oxygen too quickly, I liked the flamethrower, good spreading, game was a little too tough, but I think if I played it some more i'd probably do better, great job!

There is a layering issue in my game that I didn't think it was possible to fix, but I fixed it in my game, and converted some powers to be purchasable instead of being unlocked from the start, maybe I'll get the hat store done before Friday

I LOVE THIS. This has so much potential! Please add to this, it is the best implementation of the theme I've played, great work!

It's tough to control, and needs a lot of tweaking, but good work submitting!

Good job submitting a game! I figured out how to play, it's too hard to control, being in range of an item and holding right click is rough, especially in that short time window, I like the concept!

Had fun with this! I like idle games

(1 edit)

I've done a lot of jams, not any recently, this is the first one in a few  years I've done, and the main things that need to be done is 1.) Decide on how you want to interpret the theme, 2.) What mechanics will make the game fun and 3.) Decide what absolutely has to be in the game, and what would be nice to have if you had time.
What I wish I did better in this game was to add more mechanics to make the game fun, there's one basic thing you do and that's about it

thanks for the response, im thinking if you wanted to scale this up, have a repeating day like a time loop, add way more steps in getting each thing, and have a notebook that carries over resets with notes of what to do and when

I really enjoyed this, maybe have different hoses like a wide spray as well? Really really liked how well the game works, fits the theme, well done!

I really had a good time with this, I love the backstory, making this insane list of tasks make sense. I figured out everything but the religious thing, I got the pamphlet but didn't know how to use it. I didn't see any technical issues, everything works great! Good work!

I'm thinking of adding a fire truck as a boss, thanks for playing!

Thanks for the shoutout, I didn't want to put my own game in here, I probably should market myself more, but thanks for the ego boost!

Thanks for the comment, I agree with you, I want to add more things, I think adding the powers and store will help, but there are a lot of things I need to add to levels themselves to make them more interactive.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and for your feedback and compliments.

I have not figured out how to paint sections of the house, I wanted it to be like Power Wash Simulator where if you filled a certain percentage of the object it would become a fully colored version. I like the Rampage connection, I've never seen it like that but I was hoping to do a completion type thing with it, have to figure it out.

Thanks for the article, I need to figure all this out, I plan on adding button mapping to the game as well, so this should help a lot.

Slow motion cannot be enabled mid air, the physics changing during the time change made it problematic, I'm changing the game's play speed mid game so it causes the physics to go wacky during the transition. For demo purposes I had everything unlocked at the start. In the actual game you'd have to spend some sort of upgrade points into unlocking more health (Starting at 1 heart) and Time Slow and maybe even other things I haven't thought of yet, maybe better painting etc.

I agree with you about more things in the levels themselves to make it more fun, I can't think of other things to do in the levels though, need to think about it more.


I like your idea!
The art is really good

Some issues

Ammo goes to -1

Upgrades don't work

The infected flower and good flower look way too similar, maybe a particle effect on the bad ones?

The waves have way too many enemies going too fast, I end up only killing like 3 enemies before I die

Good work!

Interesting idea! I played on the web, I had to zoom the page out to fit the whole thing on the screen, I know the nightmare of getting the resolution right on the web page, and I made it work, just make sure you fix it when the submission unlocks. The one eyed enemy projectile is way too fast, and the little initial virus enemy is a little too fast as well, the pop up windows spread way too fast (I like that idea though) the little virus guys spawn way too much and form a permanent shield against the larger enemies, causing the popups to exponentially appear

I like the foundation, maybe you should be able to shoot the X of the popup windows to close them as well rather than just destroying the entity that made it

Gotta add upgrades!

I know you can't change most of this until judging is over, just some feedback

Good work!

I think for the contest, the judges are either going to play it on the web or download it and use the keyboard

Interesting idea, some issues though:
some of the enemies are way too tiny, I've taken damage from stuff I couldn't see.

your instructions say to turn the camera with A and W, you mean A and D

the music gets annoying after a while, I think it's because the samples are so short and repetitive, which may be what you're going for, but if you lean too much into that people aren't going to want to play your game for long.

I don't know what "increase size" means

Good work making and submitting it!

thank you so much for playing!

thanks for playing! Yea I dont know why but the layering messes up, i coded it to paint the top most object but it still doesnt sometimes and im not sure why, wish I knew

This is really fun! The art is great, I like the mechanics, well done!

(1 edit)

I really really enjoyed this, good camera work, good graphics, music is a bit loud, I wish the red stuff kept spreading, maybe really slowly but didn't ever stop, it's a great trade off for getting mana to kill enemies, those spear throwing enemies are too hard though, they eat your life away real fast. I had a good time, love the concept

I had a really good time, and needed to get a game into a finished state, one of my new year's resolutions is to put a game on steam, and this jam really pushed me to get it done, I have mental issues where I'm never motivated to really do anything (Executive Dysfunction), and stuff like this helps me get things done. Really enjoyed working on Paintocalypse (https://itch.io/jam/pirate/rate/2490489) I think the game is fun, people who play it laugh when they do, I know there's a lot to work on for it, I need more things to interact with in the level, but overall I know it's a good starting point

I really like the idea for this game! Unfortunately it has some major issues, one, I had to zoom out a lot to get the whole game in the window, unfortunately, the game is so big at that point you still can't see it all on the page. When I played, I had no idea where on the water bucket I was supposed to click on the fire, causing me to not really get any fires out, needs a cursor or a point showing where exactly the spot you click to put the fire out is. When everything burned down it told me I contained the fire in the time it said. Good attempt, glad you submitted, that's an accomplishment in itself, just needs work

Brilliant, I had a story idea for the game, now I finally have a music style, and a character arc, thank you so much for playing and providing the feedback

Really enjoyed your game! LOVE the music and sounds, reminds me of Punch-Out!!. I think each moss attachment should slow you down a tiny bit in addition to this combo mechanic I see in the comments. Also, the fact that enemies fire projectiles right at the start is too much difficulty right off the bat, in these kinds of games projectile shooting enemies don't start until about 5 min in, I assume you tested this and probably found the game maybe too easy without the shooting? Maybe have it shoot less often, I'm having a hard enough time dodging enemies, great work!

Hi, this game is an interesting idea, but I couldn't get very far :( it may not be clear? I think it throws too much at you at once, maybe in the tutorial part do each individual thing a couple of times before moving on to the next thing? I know it's locked due to judging and you can't update it now, but I like it, I just need to know how to do everything :) good work

Good work, I know it's tough for me, I can start making a game, but finishing it is really the difficult part!

Ah, I never commented, this is one of my favorites of the jam. I love the idea of cleaning the floor and killing enemies! One thing that bugged me was I was trying to clean everything (OCD) and if I got near the exit, it made me exit, I'd rather have a 'hold button to exit when on the hole' kind of situation so I can clean everything, and reward people who clean it completely somehow. Great work!

Great game! controls are great, art is well done, no real issues that I see, well done!