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(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the review! Yeah the audio I didn’t have the time to balance or mess with the concurrency settings, it is meant to be a bit ‘multiple voices echoing around your head’ but I definitely haven’t achieved that here. I think I could have definitely put more visualization to the spells effects to make them more distinct, but a part of the game is meant to be messing around with different spells, picking apart patterns in their design, and filtering out the useless/harmful ones to try to find a handful of useful spells. And what do you mean by the spell hexes being jumbled together? do you happen to have a screenshot or can describe what was happening? I never ran into that issue in my playtesting.


Hey man! I just wasn't understanding while they were spinning. I see now I can stop them from spinning and everything becomes clearer. Really interesting concept. Had some broken runs where I just got to chill and blow people away, as long as I could just focus for a couple of turns.

Glad you were able to figure that out! I find the broken runs can be pretty fun as a break from the harder runs so it’s good you were able to get a few.