I'm in chapter 2 and I can't seem to trigger an event to allow me to punish Amy using the magazine.
Is there anything I can do?
Check the walkthrough: https://mega.nz/folder/mRJwGCyY#Gq1Tr8aqTTc8eiFY6R4szQ
I did and it said that I need to sentence Amy to a punishment to raise her to level 3. However, I already raised her to level 3 through punishments but I just hadn't found Amy's source of Humiliation at the time. Now that I recently have I can't seem to get lucky enough to catch her misbehaving in class events or roaming halls events. I think I just need to get some other random events out of the way first but I fear that I locked myself out of those events since this is a part of her quest that should have been completed before I moved on to chapter 2.