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A member registered Oct 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Check page 1 of the quest log (where it says 2 of 2). Going to try to make that more obvious for the next version. Maxine's fundraiser is very late in the game. You need to complete almost everything else to get to it.

The are no game breaking glitches, although some scenes are a little harder to find than others. The quest log tells you what to do, there are hints in event log, and there is link to the walk through in the in-game cheat menu. Chances are you'll get through it without any issues.

That quest step is a bit misleading. Just carry on with other storylines and she will come to you.

Chapter 2 starts when the headmaster passed the rule allowing him to spank the girls himself. Follow the main quests and Ruth's quest. Make sure you have read the notes in the recycle bin of the headmaster's computer.

Absolutely brilliant. I love this deep dive.

Give Rachel a private punishment in your office, then spy on her room the same night.

It could well be. I originally wanted to use Shostakovich's Waltz No. 2 but went with The Bolero in the end because it was easier to cut up into smaller looping sections. 

Don't press the power button immediately after buying the upgrade. Read the dialogue first to set the trigger.  We've fixed the issue for the next update.

You can always ask her an impossible question at the Friday quiz.

It's definitely possible to fix this, but hard without knowing the full details. If you ask in the help channel on our discord we can talk you through it.

The quest log is a bit misleading there. You actually need to advance Amy's quest line, then the nurse will come talk to you.

If you are stuck on any quest, just advance another until things unlock. Specifically you need to get further with Amy's quest.

Have you clicked on the phone in your office?

Make sure to check both pages of the quest log.

There is an event from Chapter 1 which you might have missed. You can use the cheat menu to toggle back to chapter 1.

are you using the latest versions of joiplay and the ren'py plugin on your android device? - the versions in the play store are outdated and your game may crash upon start using those.

Sounds like a complicated one. You'll need to post this on the help channel of the Discord so we can figure out what's gone wrong (link on our main page).

Check the walkthrough:

If you can't figure it out you can switch to easy mode and compete the punishments automatically.

What does the quest log say to do? Try doing a different quest and coming back later.

Keeping playing the game and it will unlock itself later.

What does the quest log say to do? what do all the hints say when you start the punishment

This bug has been fixed now, but you'll need to re-download the game (if you use the itch all you only need to download the changes).

The game has an autosave feature. Go to load and look for the A at the bottom.

You need to have Rachel as your follower. Just follow her quest for a bit.

There are four requirements to trigger that scene. You need to have seen the post spanking spying scenes for Amy, Cassandra and Rachel (spank them in your office then spy on their rooms). Plus you need to have resolved Maxine's weekend protest. The naked studying scene is a lower priority, so it's shouldn't interfere. If you truly stuck then we can probably fix your save with console commands, but you'll need to ask in the help channel on our discord.

Have you open the swimming pool and punished Sally in the locker rooms?

You have to click on Sally's bag while she is in the shower.

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Sometime the quest log runs to multiple pages. Make sure you've checked page 2. The additional students are linked to Amy's storyline. I am not sure what to suggest with Rachel it should say what to do in the quest log.

No, I don't mind.

This coming Friday for patrons. I will release it here for free on January 19th.

Most of the sound files are free assets that I've found on You are welcome to use them, I don't deserve any credit for them though.

Yes, you are free to broadcast it.

Yes, the new version will be out in a few weeks for patrons. It'll be released for free in January.

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The next update is about 85% done, it'll be out before Christmas but I haven't set a date yet.

The gap between me writing stuff and it actually appearing in the game can be anything up to a year. Everything takes a huge amount of thought and planning. I need these questions answered now so I can write the ending for chapter 2 / start ofchapter 3. It will be quite some time before we actually see the effects of this poll in game.

99.7% of my paying patrons said they enjoyed this way of conducting a poll. Just saying.

Who said I wasn't working on it?! I've been working on that for months. This was a little side project that took me a couple of weeks. I've always done polls between updates, this one was just a little more involved that usual. The next update is pretty far along. I hope to have it out in November.

Make sure you have the latest version of joiplay and the renpy plugin. Get it from their Patreon page.