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Very cool puzzle game and already a good amount of levels, very impressive!

The puzzles progressed in difficulty very smoothly and I had to think quite a bit to figure out some of them.

Atmosphere is really nice as well, fits the game very well.

The only thing that threw me off initially was being able to beat the first level without collecting the sunglasses. That way I never got the explanation of having the J ability and was a bit puzzled in the second level until I came back to this page to find it in the keybinds.

Overall excellent and fun game, great job!


Haha I commend you, brave soul who  jumped straight over the branch in level one. That should be a hidden achievement...

I focused a lot on creating decent progression so your comment is very reassuring! I should definitely make it impossible, not just unlikely, to miss the upgrade though. Thanks for your patience and finding the keybind on the page instead.