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In short:
This game is an interesting prototype. Fun to have a try but very confusing at the beginning. Not really knowing what to do. 

- Excellent camera movement
- Nice Music
- Simple control but challenging to play

- Lack of user interface and instruction, especially pause menu
- Fighting is not really smooth, does not match with the camera movement and music.
- Sometimes buggy or confusing when player is dead or moving to the next stage

by the way, a bug is found. When player turns into the wolf, It may dash/move into a wall and get stuck, haha XD

Thanks for the detailed reply!

Unfortunately this was a 3-day game jam submission and all the coding and ideas were done by me (including the Enemy and Ally AI), so I wasn't able to add more interfaces and instructions in qwq

Moreover, the organizer did state that we should leave out things like a settings menu is not recommended to be included for this game jam!

Thank you for discovering a new bug, that was a new one :o