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Checked your game out ! It's not bad at all, tho the graphics could use a lot of work. The complete absense of audio can really be felt and adds quite a bit to the "unfinished" feeling of the game. Add any audio you can, even if you can't add everything you'd like to !

Anyone seeing this, check out my game, it's also RTS !

Whaaaat? There is full audio in the game!!!

Including an awesome music I composed :(

Could you try again? Maybe there is a problem in the game or maybe your system was muted or something :(

i also didnt hear any audio in the game, maybe there might be something that prevents the audio from loading?

That is such a bummer to hear since I spend a lot of time on the audio.

Do you mind trying opening and closing the game a few times to see if you get audio on a random run?

hey, tried it just now and unfortunetly still no audio

I'm sorry it didn't work for you. In the next game, I'll try making the audio system better.

If it's any good, you can download the music on and check it out if you want. :)