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Damn, just finished the current content and I've gotta say, its instantly one of the greats. It seems like the development is taking quite some time, but considering the nearly ridiculous quality, that makes complete sense.

And I do mean quality, on all fronts. The artstyle is very well done, character design is great, but it's the writing and charm that make it a gem. Dialogue is well written, jokes (both in character and more physical/visual comedy) get consistent chuckles, and the story is actually quite intriguing. Elements like the ghost hunting segment, that take quite a bit of commitment to a certain tone, are also done really well, and add a lot to the games identity. The treatment of sexuality, identity and morality is also something that can really hamper my enjoyment of a vn, wether it is disrespectful or borderline sociopathic, as can be seen in a lot of adult vn's, but this game handles it really well. Obviously it differs for the slave route, I've been playing as mr nice guy mostly, but still its nice to get characters with actual moral convictions, who have their own wants and desires.

All in all, a 9/10, and only not a 10 because there's still so much I want to see. A gold star to the developer from me, and I'll be keeping my eye on this.

Ahaa, thanks man. I love reading stuff like this because it makes specific note of a lot of the things I'm putting specific effort into, rather than just "Great game" (Which is also nice, but it's extra nice to hear that the little details don't go unnoticed).

I try my best to make sure that when it comes to the characters themselves, I treat them as people rather than characters. I've been told it's a strange writing decision because it can sometimes result in characters doing things that some people think takes away from a story, but I'm not really trying to write them as parts of a story, but instead just people who exist within it. It's hard to explain really. Granted, it's a porn game, so when it comes to sexuality especially there may be some fairly silly stuff coming, but I'm trying to strike a balance between believability, realism, and porn game nonsense. It tends to lean a bit towards that last one in the sub and slave routes, but I suppose there's no way to get that kind of stuff totally realistic without it moving very very slowly (Or it getting darker than I'm willing to go with the game)

Regardless, more to come. In fact, there's another update that should release here on the 11th. It's a very short update compared to the last one (Christmas and all that delayed things a bunch) but still, new stuff. Woooo