observations and unused shitiutisdfsdfusdfufsdfffuck
1 - the tutorial level has an extra section, even though you can't get there.
that mysterious translucent green rectangle by the way, is just an instance of "obj_intro_secret_wumpa_spawner"
2 - spr_cheatsmenu

''you did inspire me to add a cheat code to set and keep the difficulty level at either max or minimum'' probably related to this
3 - rm_filthycheater

an empty room containing obj_cheater_msg.
the create code has text. here's the transcript
msg_string[0] = "Been playing with the save files?"
msg_string[1] = "I'm not mad, just dissapointed..."
msg_string[2] = "That you fucked it up!"
msg_string[3] = "If not for me you'd be softlocked!"
msg_string[4] = "Get outta here ya filthy cheater."
msg_string[5] = "Whats a matter you, EH! Got no respect"
msg_string[6] = "What do ya think ya doing, why do you look so sad?"
msg_string[7] = "It's a not so bad, it's a nice-a place, AHHH getouttathesaves"
would've apparently been used if the player were to modify save files but break something, would also prevent a softlock, though warns the player to "get outta the saves"
a face sprite also exists of loadedcannon's itch.io profile picture, most likely related to this room.
4 mobiums - level 1's various name changes
pipe down has had 3 names. pipe problems (first iteration) - down the drain (v0.1.3?) - pipe down (v0.1.5a)
5 morbians - future level names
>be me
>use utmt
>open strings section
>level names
here's a guess on what type of level each would be.
- Rising Temperatures - a volcano level
- Carpet Beater - a level with the main gimmick of the flying carpet
- Shock Therapy - some sort of electrocution themed level? a pun on some other mechanic???
- Out By a Nile - i have no fucking idea
- Turban Planning - i have no fucki-
- Sewer Test Facilities - sewer
- Mockup Mangrove - jungle
- Pharoah's Funkhouse - egypt
- Pyramid Scheme - egypt, possible hidden level as it's in the same area with fallout buoy and "altitude adjustment"
6 scrounders - rm_secretb---zone
a warp room with 6 levels with jungle and sewer decorations and no fucking background.
7 spunchbops - rm_warproom_3
an arabian warp room. the boss of this warp room is n. tropy.
8 robotnik rocks - obj_level_portal_fake
i have no idea what this is. the code doesn't tell me jackshi-
9 elevens - rm_boss_2
theoretically accessible if a crystal were to be added to "Decoffinated" (along with a warp at the "end")
the tiny tiger bossfight. has a polar chase(?) at the end.
10 quadrillion insects - rm_warproom_6
the final warp room. contains 2 levels and an instance of
11 fuuuuuuuuuuuu - obj_final_boss_portal
basically a boss warp but broken and flickers a lot.
12 mincerafts - spr_iron_checkpoint_speechbubble
13 trillion years you've waited to finish this post - spr_toasty
AAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHH finally we're done that took me forever fuck