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If you play this game just to nut, you're not going to get into it. If you want an A-grade story this is the game for you. I love this game


I totally agree! This is one of a few AVNs that give you a quality story to work through that actually gets your attention and makes you want this character or that character to get ahead or come out on top of their situation. It is even better when this applies to ANY character in the game including the player MC. I really like games that make you feel what the characters are felling. Great job AZ!!! Keep it up!!


HAHAHA! This story is juvenile trash that should embarrass a dim witted 12 year old.

It's clear that the writer has never been closer to a woman than 'PornHub,' and learned the rules of consent from Twitch THOTs and militant lesbians.

Luckily for the writer, most people fully immersed in 21st century culture end up functionally retarded, and won't even notice.

So...enjoy your "A-grade" trash, I guess.


Man youre really all over these comments loudly proclaiming how much you dont like the game. Who tf cares? If you dont like it then move on. No one wants go read through all your cringy paragraphs where youre jerking off on the screen on how much you hate the game. Go play something else instead of crying about it. You dont like it, big whoop. Plenty of other people do. So go play a game you DO like and stop whining about this one. And you call other people retarded. Clearly you spend too much time playing porn games instead of talking to real people


Also whenever anyone replys they stay quiet. Seems like they're the pussy they keep saying the mc is. I bro is just a weirdo


I most sincerely apologize for not paying attention to what the pathetic fanboys had to say to me.

I must have missed the memo where I was told that it was obligatory to respond to every idiot on the internet.

I reply to the devs when they respond, but not to the ignorant masses. If you aren't important enough to catch my attention, that's not really my problem. I'm sure that your helicopter parents have told you that you are the most important human on the planet, however; I know those inbred idiots are liars.


For someone that didn't want to read my comments, you certainly spent enough time doing just that! lmao

I did move on. Did you miss that part while studying my previous comments extensively? Hmmm...must be that you are one of those functionally retarded children of whom I was lamenting.

I couldn't expect less.

(1 edit)

Oh hey look, the guy who hates this game to the point of jerking off on the screen whenever he sees a comment is back in the comment section of the game he hates so much. 

Clearly you didn't move on seeing as you're back here already trying to prove to everyone how much you hate the game and don't care about it. Yet here you are whining and crying again like the little baby you are. Mommy not give you enough attention?

Its so funny that you go on and on that you're so much smarter than everyone else cause you don't like a game that other people do. You're just another neckbeard whos only interaction with a woman is through a computer screen. Crawl back to your moms basement and let the important members of society have some peace and quiet away from your tantrums.