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Hi! It's notorious the effort and love put on this work! Story, art and music were all lovely. Now...


(like seriously, this might be heavy spoiler, please don't continue if you haven't completed the game yet)

When I was missing the last two endings, I thought there could be an ending where Button lived a bit longer at the price of not going to the beach and maybe having a more boring life (I thought ending 6 suggested some sort of hint with how salty the last meal was). But anyways, the last two endings are very good. In fact, in my opinion, they were even necessary, as they expand on the story's message, which leads me to the next point.

I really liked how the game in general not only dealt with death, existential dread and depression in a realistic and relatable way, but also showed how the characters handled with them differently depending on the choices: whether they tried their best to live as happy as they could despite their inner struggles, or they couldn't overcome the dread and felt miserable. It's very interesting how Button seems to kind of have understood death and its consequences even before really mentioning it to her, though depending on her perspective about it (influenced by the player) she decided to live happily even if it wasn't going to be for very long... or not.

I gotta admit when the protagonist talks about death it was way too relatable with my own experience. Even the "it would be cool to be immortal" part. I thought I was weird for thinking that, but it seems that may be a more common idea than I thought.

I tend not to cry often for stories, but I contributed a bit (ton) to the tears bucket this time, hehe. Speaking for myself (and for many others, I guess) that's certainly a sign that everyone who developed the game made a very good job with character development, and the smooth and deep treatment of serious topics.

Again, thank you very much for such a wonderful experience :'D

NOTE: By the way, I don't know if my deleted comment appears there, but it happened that my clumsy hands pressed some weird combination and it was sent before finishing lol. As a side note, the guys behind Meet n' Eat gotta be breaking human rights as a sport, man...

This is such a sweet comment! Thank you so much for playing the game and leaving me with your thoughts and compliments, Awserz.

I’m glad you like the last two endings, despite how much they deviate from the other ones, and that the themes were dealt with in a way that felt natural. It’s also a personal win when I hear that someone felt their own thoughts reflected during this game :)

Your side note made me laugh. The guys at Meet ‘n Eat definitely don’t care about anyone’s rights. I think they don’t even consider the mushroom girls as anything other than a novelty object.

Lastly, thank you for your salty contribution to the tears bucket :) Hope you have a great weekend!