Actually I played the previos version of this game a few weeks ago. :) So I can see the improvement! The improved graphics and level design are really nice. Also the "power ups" are a nice addition. What I especially like is that you took your time and wrote a very detailed dev-log. That is nice to read and gives real insight on what you have done.
Things you might inprove:
- I had a bug that after starting the game, that the first level will not load sometimes.
- The control for assigning targets is hard to handle, I often accidentally assign targets when I just meant to select a building: Maybe add another button on the building to get into "assign target" mode. Then clicking on a building is no longer ambigious between "select" and "attack"
- The difficulty could be higher (maybe let the opponent upgrade its buildings...)
Overall the game is fun and has potential to get even better. Well done!