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  • Overall: This game has an awesome mechanical hook and needs to be further developed :D
  • Fun: It was a lot of fun to send the troops and watch them go.
  • Visuals (Graphics):  The simple low poly looks nice. Some simple atmospheric / environmental effects would be nice, like simple trees and grass swaying in the wind + wind particles and subtle cloud shadows.
  • User Interface: It's a great start! Perhaps instead of a simple line showing where the troops go, it could be subtle foot prints.
  • Audio: Just needs some cool music and ambient sound~ Perhaps if you zoom in on the troops you could hear positional audio like foot steps.

Amazing idea and keep it up! I think it is a very marketable idea once it has more game juice and nicer visuals~ Please check out my game when you can :D

Thanks a lot for the great feedback. This definitely gives me encouragement to keep improving it. The footsteps idea is really awesome, I will shamelessly steal it. The environment needs work too as you said. That would be a good place to focus on. I am starting to create some music, didn't have time for that for this game jam and your audio ideas are 10/10. Thanks!