Hahah yeah you'll get a lot of garbage even on a good day with all the right settings.
Here's a few tips:
- Make sure you are using one of the XL models for your base model. I've never gotten anything other than monsters out of the regular models. "Juggernaut XL v8" is what I usually use.
- Tell CivitAI to generate batches of 10 images every time. Don't be shy.
- Ask for some kind of portrait. Denise's face tends to get pretty mangled when it is a small part of the picture. (not sure if that's a problem with my LoRA or generally a thing)
- Get a proper tool like Fooocus where you can highlight the bad bits and tell it to redo them (in-paint)
- Keep trying! It takes practice.
Sometimes... not human isn't so bad. :)