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ah yes, i sure do love not being to have a futa robot because of a patreon exclusive vote. oh wait i was being sarcastic. anyways i got a idea that could make both sides happy, JUST HAVE A OPTIONAL BUTTON IN THE SETTING FOR FUTA CONTENT. nowthe wusses that are not into girlcock can be fine and the girlcock loving horndogs can have it.

(but fr that vote is fucking stupid)


Get your disgusting mentally and genetically degenerate nonsense out of here. I hope you don't spread your genes, 'cus they're clearly worthless to our society and the porno sphere.


aw i have a fan


I mean, I dont like the tone, but I never quite get ppl opposing optional content (if done right, so it doesn't surprise ppl).


(the louder i am with my comment the more it catches the eye, use the rage for click bait)


I don't think it works like that. And it probably shouldn't.