I love the visuals and the music! I don't know if you watched the post-jam stream, but there was some weird pitching happening with the streamed audio, and the resulting lo-fi de-tuning effect on this game's soundtrack made it sound even better! I was a bit disappointed when I realised it wasn't meant to be like that, ha! The music would work even better if it looped seamlessly: currently the loop point seems a little abrupt and not clean. I would also want to hear more sound effects in general. Footsteps, environmental ambience, some UI acknowledgement of my clicks, etc. Also, I'm sure there was probably more game to the right of the knight, but I could not get the jester to move any further to the right no matter where I clicked. The aesthetics were a strength of this game, and it is always an achievement worth celebrating to finish a jam game in a short weekend. Well done!.
Wow, thank you so much for trying our game and writing such kind words about it! Honestly I did not realize that happened with the audio but that seems like a great idea to implement it for real lol. I'm on the same page with you about music looping seemlessly, sound effects and UI acknowledgement. We needed to rush it a bit since we had so little time so we did our best to upload a playable version but we're thinking of developing it to a full-game soon! Also I'm glad you liked the aesthetics, that was our favorite aspect of the game as well :) Thank you again for taking the time to write a review, hope you could give it another go when it is completed in the future! Cheers!