Not sure if this is possible easily. Why not though.
You only need to change the order in the level order table!
:C11899 01 04 01 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 01 03 04 01 02
:C118A9 01 03 01 04 7F FF 00 FF FF FE FE FE FE FE FE FE
change to:
:C11899 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04
:C118A9 01 02 03 04 7F FF 00 FF FF FE FE FE FE FE FE FE
For the ladder cheat stage 1 (also Japan Version):
00C17A9E MOVE.B D1,D0
00C17AA0 SUBQ.B #5,D0
00C17AA2 MOVE.B D0,$0017(A2)
00C17AAG MOVE.B $0001282A(PC),D0
00C17AAA BEQ.S $00C17fiF8
00C17AAC MOVE.B $00C12GE7(PC),D0
00C17AB0 SUBQ.B #4,D0 ;change to SUB.B #$10
00C17AB2 CMP.B D3,D0
00C17AB4 BCC.S $00C17AB8
00017ABB RTS
00C17AB8 MOVE.B $00012862(PC),D0
Thanks for this Version! Great work.
I 've downloaded the ADF again, but it is still the US Version. Is there a key to change mode?
On the Japanese version, a Barrel cannot drop down a ladder while Jumpman is on it (upper third).
The change form SUBQ.B #4,D0 to SUB.B #$10,D0 make this possible. You can compare the MAME ROMS to check it.
// original Z80 assembly code of the subroutine US Ver.
2178 3A4863 LD A,(#6348) ; get status of the oil can fire
217B A7 AND A ; is the fire lit ?
217C CAB221 JP Z,#21B2 ; no, always take ladders before oil is lit
217F 3A0562 LD A,(#6205) ; else load A with Mario's Y position + 5
2182 D604 SUB #04 ; subtract 4
2184 BA CP D ; is the barrel already below or same level as Mario ?
2185 D8 RET C ; yes, return without taking ladder
The japanese level order is only available from whdload ATM. I have to add a CLI option. Which requires ADF to be altered...
The ladder "cheat" is indeed an interesting add to the 4-level version as it's not a cheat, it's an original modification for "Crazy Kong" to make game easier. Now, I very well remember that when you were just under the barrel, you were 100% safe.
Thank you for the new ADF version.
In the original "Japan Version" the stageorder ist always 1,2,3,4
In your "Crazy Kong Version" mode the stageorder is 1,2,3,4 only in Level 1.
From Level 2 it is: 1,2,1,3,1,4
Can you add an original japan version mode with nice barrels always on and a different highscore file, maybe?