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A member registered Feb 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think I have fixed it in the latest release

yes, because the floppy menu has the option to prevent "down" to work. I have removed it now.

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thanks for the explanation. Actually I challenge anyone to create a 50FPS Galaga exact clone on A500. There are 64 sprites to display, and the trajectory & frame computations are complex. Check other games of the category like Galag or Deluxe Galaga it doesn't move as many objects.

The explanation about the transcode is actually incorrect. The Z80 is converted with a tool, but manually reviewed and optimized, so you can consider that it is 68000 native code. The only issue is that even degrading to 25FPS, the game logic still has to run at 50FPS.

Maybe something could be done with hardware sprite multiplexing but it's pretty difficult to achieve technically. You'd have to compute the exact row where to reassign each sprite to another one, and you could only use 6 sprites horizontally, which means that the attack waves are out of the question. Only a part of the swarm could be handled that way. That could work, but it's a lot of work and finetuning. It's the only option that could ensure 50FPS.

thanks for the feedback. Yes, performance on A500 is disappointing. But I've updated the game, and maybe it will be better... Of course it flies with real fastmem, but I suppose you need a 68020 for that?

If you have a second button joystick you can use it. Else up and down should do the trick. But if you have pressed at least 2nd button once, the game disregards up and down.


Not at home right now, can't test, but if you have both joypads plugged at bootup it should work. I've added joypad detection in the game to avoid doing that, but ATM this is the workaround

If you need a game launcher I suggest you download the CD32 arcade ISO where there's a AGS menu for each game.

You're right, fire for player 2 doesn't work with joypad options. It works with up/down (original controls). I'll fix this!

Well, things have already been done to pack pixels between score & pengo lives/current level flags. The original display is 288 pixels, the amiga can display 285 pixels maximum, so all pixels should be there, with a proper monitor setup.

also good news ahead: Moon Patrol is now running, and PAL mode is forced so no need for early bootup. Released in a few.

yes, you can report there. I'll clean up when problems are sorted out

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You're right! sorry about this. It seems that wrong image was uploaded. This was updated. Some games still are not working but most of them run and can be played.

I suggest you wait before trying it on WinUAE before wasting a CD. This isn't 100% yet.

Improving the animation would require full reimplementation, which isn't going to happen, but there's a AGA version (32 colors) with stunning graphics from Toni Galvez.

I don't have a C64 but your adaptation looks very close to the arcade, with a new level layout and scrolling. Very well done

There's a memory issue that I have fixed but not published. I have to fix a few bugs before releasing a new version

I still need MAME on Windows to debug the games, but I don't use it to play anymore. Thanks!

I'd rather have it downloadable here so people can donate (or not)

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On which system/chipeset are you running the ADF? BTW if you can run with whdload I suggest that to stick to it as it has many splash screen options.

that's what happens when you're redoing a game from scratch and not by transcode! Sorry for this.

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can you try the new version? There was a big bug for ECS machines

great to hear! (also I had no clue of what the problem was :))

thanks for the LED issue, it's been fixed now.

there are command line options to set it in the ADF. You'll have to edit startup sequence

the voices? what voices?

The difficulty matches the arcade. There's an hidden trainer just type "JOTD" the screen will flash then function keys give various cheats (level skip, invulnerability...)

Thanks for your comment. The game can't work with NTSC, too many lines to display... I fixed the ladder issue, as a bonus pie factory level should be slightly faster.

you can follow me, you'll get notifications (I think)

strange. I have to create another version anyway.

The japanese level order is only available from whdload ATM. I have to add a CLI option. Which requires ADF to be altered...

The ladder "cheat" is indeed an interesting add to the 4-level version as it's not a cheat, it's an original modification for "Crazy Kong" to make game easier. Now, I very well remember that when you were just under the barrel, you were 100% safe.

Japanese level order is available since yesterday. I don't know about any japanese level cheat. The source of the game is available, can you post a PR on github instead than raw absolute address disassembly? Can you explain what it is?

Not sure if this is possible easily. Why not though.

that's the kind of feature that could be mixed in the game without too much hassle.

you can report bugs. A new version will be released with some bugfixes

fixed a somehow original game bug that only triggered on slow machine. I tested it on slow machines where it used to crash and now it runs great

The technology involved doesn't allow anything non-AGA, so no A500 sorry

package updated to provide either .adf or .lha archive for HDD drives

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You're talking about Bagman not Super Bagman, where "Z" works all right.

I can confirm both bugs in "Bagman", where the "Z" highscore entry was an original bug, now fixed in the amiga version.

thanks. The video is short enough & nice.

thanks a lot!

Jungle Hunt... Good one.