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Hello, I was reading through and creating some characters and was wondering will players be allowed to increase their knights max hp if they are permanently promote their might after initial character creation.

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Hello! I love to hear when folks are making characters!

In short, there will be. The Arbiter Guidance section will include just this sort of advice. I am currently thinking about consumables that permanently change a Knight. What do you think?

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I think having consumables that would permanently change the knights would be nice. It'll be neat to see how the consumables play into the theme of Beetle Knight and how they could be acquired or found. Also I was wondering would the items from the equipment page have descriptions of how and what they can be used for or is that more up to the arbiter's discretion based on how the player is trying to use the item.

Oooo tell me more about how you imagine Special Items to be used (outside of the mechanical benefits already listed). Are you thinking of creative uses that players figure out?

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For the consumables that permanently change a knight I was thinking some of them could be special items, for example you defeat a junk bug type enemy that is carrying some loot and you may find some old tome with forgotten history or magic that promotes your intellect or gives you +1 emblem and +1 emblem slot. Or you venture into some secluded area and find an NPC that recognizes your strength and gifts you an elixir that promotes your might in return for fulfilling a request  to prove your strength by freeing them of some accursed spider that has been preventing them from leaving. Just some ideas for the permanent change items. for some of the other special items maybe some of the descriptions have hidden benefits like a silken may help you hide better from spiders when you are in their lair and surrounded by their webs of silk, or an antenna mask may have actual antennae sticking out of it and hide your appearance better giving you a temporary promotion to presence when talking to other creatures. stuff like that was what I was thinking.


I think we're on the same page regarding consumables! Yess!

Also, I added the following to the special items text "You are encouraged to consider creative ways to use Special Items and their characteristics. The Arbiter may allow you to Promote a roll as a result."

I was also wondering, will there be more species of bugs to play as when the full books release or is it just the six here in the quick start booklet.

There are 4 more written by Daria James LeFevre which are being edited now. So a total of 10!

Nice, I'm excited to see what others are going to be playable!

Subject to change but take a look