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Assuming this is the glitch you're talking about and I'm remembering right, here's how to do it (and I'm using rot13 because there are spoilers.)

svefg, znxr fher "ranoyr byq ohtf" va tnzrcynl frggvatf vf ba. Gura, trg vagb n fvghngvba jurer bar xvggra vf ba n jbezubyr naq gur bgure vf ba gur rqtr bs gur ebbz. Lbh gura jnag gb jnyx bhg bs gur ebbz ng gur fnzr gvzr nf lbh cerff ragre. Vg'f uneq gb trg gur gvzvat evtug, ohg lbh pna whfg haqb naq gel ntnva hagvy gur tyvgpu unccraf.

Jura lbh chyy vg bss, gur tnzr jvyy guvax lbh'er gelvat gb ragre gjb frcnengr ebbzf ng bapr. V fhccbfr lbh npghnyyl NER qbvat whfg gung, ohg va na havagraqrq jnl. Ertneqyrff, gur tnzr zbirf lbh hc svir ebbzf jurarire gung unccraf. Fb gung'f gur raq erfhyg bs gur tyvgpu.

Jura V svefg tbg gur oht ercbeg, V ernyvmrq gung lbh pbhyq qb gur oht va ebbz 10,19, naq gung pbhyq or na vagrerfgvat fcrrqeha fgengrtl vs V erzbirq n srj oneevref gb znxr gb znxr vg cbffvoyr gb tb gb gur raqvat cebcre nsgre lbh gryrcbegrq gb gur yrsg pbeare va 10,14. Fb V qvq whfg gung.

That wasn’t the one I was talking about, but I was wanting to know how to do that one too. I was talking about the one that would let you get a huge amount of cats.


Simple. Reload the webpage. Make sure cookies is on. That's how I got through rooms easier. You MUST have flags active as respawn points. A cat will spawn on each flag, and revive the dead cats. It is not infinite.


I found an old comment of mine. This is the picture. I don't know how I did it.

So whenever I do this, cats don't spawn on the flags, the dead cats just come to life.  Any clue why?

That's the "reload" bug. And cats don't spawn on blue flags (not a glitch).

I am reloading, but nothing spawns on the flags.  The only thing that happens is the dead kittens come to life.

NOT A BUG: kittens spawn on highlighted pink flags, no kitten spawn on blue flag. BUG: Dead cats rise from the grave.