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Life is a pain in the butt like that x3 I’m forever meaning to respond to things but they just get pushed further and further back when irl stuff piles up and gets in the way, haha. Holy moly lemon cake though! x3 I hope it was tasty! I imagine it must’ve been :D I haven’t had anything like that in sooo long… and now I want it >.< I remember making lemon poppyseed bread/cake with my grandma many years ago and then devouring it just the two of us, haha.

Hehe, yeeeeah, it’s a liiiilttle bit embarrassing to have this one out there in the sense that I went a step further with some of my personal feelings on mental health-related stuff than I did with Bitter/Sweet x3 When I finished all the music + the story in my head, I thought to myself, do I really need to make this into a game? It’s already served its purpose in soothing me for the most part, so maybe I should just leave it at that. But then another part of my brain kicked in just shouting, do iiiiiiit!! So it is what it is I guess xD

The most frustrating thing about it is that I desperately want to console anyone who is feeling similarly to how I was at the time of writing it all because I don’t want other people to ever hurt like that :( but at the same time, I feel as though I completely lack the words to actually say anything that can make things any better. I’m even worse in person! I want to do all I can to help people who I notice are in pain, but it’s like I’m paralysed and don’t know what actions to take to be of any use >.<

That’s so incredible to hear about Saffie! That means a heck of a lot x3 I think Jennifer voiced the character perfectly and I can’t imagine anyone else doing her justice the way that she did. 

It also means a lot that you’d say that about my voice acting even though it was dubbed over by AI :3 On a personal level, I feel like I just about managed to pull off the delivery I was after for fem Snowe, the narrator, and the misc characters, but there were definitely a few dodgy takes in there that I’m not particularly satisfied with x3 And I feel like I would struggle with a more emotional sort of character. I think Snowe not being suuuuper expressive was a big help in getting the right kind of sound for her. I reckon if my natural voice actually sounded a bit closer to the voice I picked for her, I would be a bit more comfortable using my voice without overdubbing, haha. It’s pretty incredible though that there’s even technology like that out there. It did generate some laughable attempts to copy some of my efforts, and it couldn’t handle laughter at all x3 but for the most part, it was pretty accurate, scarily so really. 

One day, I might stop completely hating my natural voice, haha. It would be nice to do more voice acting properly. I miss acting in general >.< That and writing were my two main passions as a kid until I had it all beaten out of me by anxiety, haha. Heck, I would have gone to performing arts college if it hadn’t been for the fact that the only one I could possibly travel to after leaving secondary school required you to also take a module in dance alongside drama x3 Had that not been the case and I wound up studying there, my life could have taken a very different path since I never would have encountered my very first abuser! But nope, the prospect of having to do a unit in dance completely put me off doing performing arts entirely because (presumably thanks to my dyspraxia) I can’t dance to save my life x3 

If I ever did want to seriously try voice acting though, I’d have to get a better mic and somehow soundproof my room or move house or something because the background noise from the busy road outside is bad >.< I can edit it out, but it seems to drop the overall quality of the recording. I’d also need some kinda lessons I think because I have a lot of mouth noises and stuff to edit out xD That’s super sweet of you to say my voice by itself is soothing though!! My brain wants to deny that with every inch of my being considering I can’t stand the sound of it and think I struggle with sounding quite monotonous in my regular speech x3

Well, I think everything you wrote to describe the game is beyond anything I could ever hope for and I appreciate it beyond words that you chose to take the time to type all that you did :3 “Meaningful” is probably one of the most meaningful (and I’m not trying to be funny there x3) words you could have picked! As much as I like to tell myself that this hobby of mine is entirely for me, there’s no getting away from the fact that anyone who writes anything probably hopes that at least one person might read their words, and with this being such a personal project, I’d be lying if I said any negative comments I might get on it wouldn’t be hurtful. On the flip side, it means any positive comments mean so much more because, while I always pour my heart and soul into everything I do, stuff like this really does have a piece of me in it, haha. I know it’s not gonna resonate with everyone, but to hear you describe it as meaningful is enough for me to be content with it and know that releasing it wasn’t a mistake :3

Like I said, I’m not very good at consoling people >.< I feel like no matter what I say it will come across as kind of hollow, especially when there’s nothing I can really do to help :( But still, I’m sorry you’ve been going through an awful time. You don’t deserve that >.< You’re always such a ray of sunshine to me and I wish that all your times were good and happy ones, not bad and crappy ones!! 

I don’t think it comes across as all over the place at all :3 Being sick is never good though >.< so I hope that it’s something you’ll be able to recover from soon! Whatever it is that you’re going through, I hope that it will pass as soon as possible, or at the very least, improve in some way and that life will stop being a dick to you!! x3 I don’t want to pry, but you’re always welcome to drop me an email or something if you ever want to talk about stuff! I might not be very good at cheering people up, but I can listen (with my eyes x3)

Thank you for always being so incredibly kind, caring, and supportive :3 Sometimes I wonder if I’d even still be doing this without amazing people like you around! Because as much as I keep at the hobby for the sheer love of it, there are days now and then when it sometimes feels like it would be less painful to just stop. It’s on days like that that I remember people like you and all the lovely things you’ve said. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to hold back the demons encroaching! Other times, it’s the one thing I somehow manage to hold onto like a candle in the abyss that stops the darkness from swallowing me up completely x3

Words are never just words. And yours among others have given me strength in times when I’ve otherwise had none. That’s something I will be forever grateful for :3