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We want more!

It seems that a lot of people adore this game. Great work.

Absolutely beautiful presentation and wonderful gameplay. I think it would have been nice to be able to dodge the capture box—if the player really books it.

I can imagine this world expanding. Extra floors. More houses. Maybe even outside areas between houses with irritating leaf blowers and dangerous lawnmowers?

As someone who's a huge fan of the Glider series on the Macintosh, I can't help but picture some of the elements from those games popping into this one.

Love the feedback! I think being able to dodge or outrun the box is a good idea. 

Extra floors is definitely a part of this. More houses might eventually come, but not at the moment. I had an idea to make the second house have more puzzle elements like levers and keys to find (thanks for those who provided that idea).

Appreciate your thoughts and interest!

Ooh. Puzzle elements would be super cool. I look forward to whatever things you decide to add. 

Totally. Thanks for the initial feedback. I have incorporated the ability to escape the box in a future update.