Hello, thanks for playing my game. Some puzzles can be solved in other ways. The fish may or may not be used. Tip: try hitting hard to see if something falls from the roof.
thanks for the tip, finished the game now. Unfortunately i do not see any logic in how hitting the side of a cliff would cause the house above it to move at all. If I was hitting the house directly then that would be fair. I can believe that dog tail whip can break a barrel or pot but this going kinda too far to believe. The way the game ended was also kinda lame. I liked the game enough to get all the collectibles but this was a bit disappointing.
Hello. The logic of hitting and knocking things down from above has been throughout the game since the first phase, but I confess that there was a lack of visual cues in part 3. My biggest concerns with this game were the mechanics and the puzzles, so the story just appeared in the background as motivation (sorry?). I hope you had fun exploring and solving the puzzles. Consider playing my others games too. Thanks for your feedback. (Do you found the three red coins too?)
Yea, i found all the red coins and got inside that cabin in area 3. And I actually played a couple of your other games some time ago. They all have pretty interesting mechanics, if i remember. Im also kinda more focused on gameplay than story when i make a game too, so that is completely understandable. Thanks for the game!