Wow Kenny, really great entry! Nice minimal art, I like the ambient music and the sound. The game is challenging, strategic, and fun. I really actually think you should expand this one into a full game, I'd buy it!
Minor things I would tweak if you keep working on it:
1. Coyote time (a small bit of hovering past the collision data on a jump)
- if (!player.on_ground && player.did_jump && player.was_on_ground_last_frame) { // don't move them down, pretend they did jump}
2. Auto-start the level once the player's put down all the torches
3. Gravity is a bit brutal, maybe turn it down a bit
4. Make the player's movement acceleration based, rather than if (KEY_W) { player.x -= 2}
Right now, this is my game to beat for the week, really well done! 23/25 stars