I really love this game. I love the brutal difficulty curve, the risky HP = resources system, the weird SFX, everything about it honestly. There's a bug where once you game over the text disappears, and if you restart to try again then the timer continues from before. I failed my first few tries from not understanding the controls, but once I got the hang of it, I looked at the timer, saw 7:30, and thought oh, this is a cakewalk and I closed the tab thinking it was another jam game balanced on the too-easy side and it would be impossible to game over. Then I read the comments, realized that wasn't the case, and set out to try again... only to keep getting obliterated before the 7 minute mark.
I had no idea what I did that previous time and how I was so good until I realized, it must have been from the timer continuing after a game over! It was really probably only a few minutes into that run. (Yes I can't tell time.) Anyway, this game is super satisfying, really fun, and really addicting--it's hard to resist wanting to keep trying!