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A member registered May 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah I built difficulty tuning systems into it early on but unfortunately only had the last two hours to test, tune, and compile.

Glad you liked it though! 

I’m glad you enjoyed it! 

Yeah, the balancing was difficult. Ultimately I tried to tune it to around 10 minutes if you’re really good, since it’s an endless game and figuring that most people aren’t going to care to play a jam game for too long. Trying to make people feel engaged like they were making meaningful decisions while also reward good decisions was difficult. Especially since I really only had the last two hours for balancing lol. 

Glad you enjoyed it! 

Nice! Weird visual artifact if going on with the text… We’re you using the WebGL version? 

The tower defense games I like the most tend to be the ones with set slots and you be creative in which ones go there. 

Glad you liked it! 

Thank you! Luckily I had a lot of other pieces partially made from other projects like the bezier curves the enemies march down, the slicing for the graphics, etc, that I was able to recreate for this project quickly.  

Glad you enjoyed it! 

if you purchased a dragon for the amount of gold you have, you ‘d run out and therefore get a game over so I made it so you had to have greater than that number. 

Thank you for giving it a play! 

Thank you! All the SFX were made myself by recording them or in SFXR. Glad you enjoyed it! 

Thank you! And yeah, the risk/reward of it is addicting. I always feel like it’s my fault, not the game’s when I lose. Glad you enjoyed it! 

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Yup! The enemies level up in difficulty rather quickly so you have to stay on your toes… 

Thank you for playing! 

Definitely. You have to be careful in the beginning with how you’re placing your dragons. I’ve found that a couple wrong placements can go wrong quickly. Could have spent more time tuning that but was getting close to the time limit. 

Thank you for playing! 

Thank you! Most of the SFX was done myself with my mic. Anything else was made quickly  in JFXR. 

And yeah, the red dragon AOE attack is the most visually appealing. Probably could have spend more time masking VFX for the others but started getting close the end of the time limit lol. 

Also, it’s tuned to have a basically auto-fail state at around 10 minutes in if you’re reeeaally good (figured most people aren’t playing a game jam game to vote for longer than that). The difficulty ramps up quick. 

Thank you for playing! 

it’s stated in the “How To Play” section. Your money also acts as your health. There’s some risk/reward involved in picking which dragons to hatch/upgrade knowing it’s also costing you health. 

Lol made that SFX myself by making it in my mic. 

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What are the rules or uploading a v2? I noticed a bug that's pretty bad (maybe some difficulty tuning too) 

Probably my favorite game in the jam ngl. Could be that I just like turn based RPG's and this has a really cool combat system that lead into the theme really well (and was just really good and tactical. Also the magical girl idea is a great way to interpret the theme "magic". It even has an upgrade system even though it was done in only 3 days. I would legit play a full game like this. Well done! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

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Never thought I'd see an idle game in a game jam. It could be just because I like these kinds of games, but I enjoyed it! I had it running generating light as I played other game entries even (and then I realized that Unity browser games don't update when the element isn't in focus). Well done! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Not bad! I wish the use of light was a bit better. Making the level dark and only being able to see with your light spells or something. But hard to accomplish something like that in only a day. you should be proud! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Neat game! Wish I knew more Spanish. 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

(1 edit)

Really neat game! I went through 60 levels in a row. Definitely started seeing the same levels pop up. I feel like it'd benefit from a stage system (5-20 levels back to back in increasing difficulty) would be neat for a final version of this if you want to continue the concept. Maybe also some upgrades. I feel like the attack went on for way too long making it a bit easy. Maybe with limited uses (3 per level or something?) because I basically just used it in the beginning and that lasted me through the level usually. 

Definitely the most fun I had! I hopped back in a few times just because I enjoyed playing it. Well done! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Can't seem to play this one. Seems like it only has a 7mb binary file attached? 

Pretty neat little game. Would have liked to see it finished. Seemed to play well enough. I think you did a good job with the general ambiance. Still enjoyed it! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Interesting little game. I tend to like tower defense styled games. The idea of upgrading your wizards is pretty cool to me. I feel like the wizards die really quickly once the enemy touches them though, despite it being a pretty slow game, making the healthbar feel mostly useless. Maybe adding a cooldown to the collision every time it deals damage or making it bounce back slightly each time it gets a hit (which would allow for the wizard to get in a last shot or two to try to defeat it) would help. 

Pretty cool for your first game. Good job, guys! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Interesting little game. I couldn't figure out how to get through the door to start the next level. Possibly a bug there? Still enjoyed the presentation and I had some fun with it! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Fun twin stick shooter! I feel like the speed of the enemies was a bit frightening, but I had fun nonetheless! I think the ambiance is really cool.

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Fun twin stick shooter! I feel like the speed of the enemies was a bit frightening, but I had fun nonetheless! I think the ambiance is really cool.

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Cool game! The character was a bit floaty which made it difficult to land on some of the platforms. I also didn't notice that I was losing health, I think some visual flare to show that I was getting damaged would have helped. Still really loved the presentation! 

If you get the chance, I'd like to see what you think of my submission!

Pretty easy, but that's not a bad thing. I can see this being a great casual phone game time waster! Full marks from me! 

Well done!

I wish it had some clearer controls. Left-Shift and tab are just way too close together. It'd be nice if Right-Shift worked too. There were way too many times where I would be in a situation that required me to reposition my hands so that they were both on the left side to accomplish a task quickly. I also think that a pause button or a way to end the game would have been good. I kept pressing Esc and P in hopes of pausing it to no avail. I'm fortunate that my mouse has a gestures button. Also I was never told that R restarted me at the checkpoint. That would have been helpful for one of the many times I got permanently stuck and had to close and restart the level from scratch. 

Also there was a time where I got stuck underneath the door as it was closing. Impossible to get him out of there. 

Despite those minor issues from me, I gave it full marks! One of my favorites from the jam so far. Kind of feels like a better version of my game. 

Hi, Reddit! How did you enjoy the game? 

Pretty cool! I love blacksmithing stuff. Kinda with there was more too it like minigames to craft the items and stuff. I'd be interested to see your rating of my submission too! 

Yeah, I noticed that I often lost track of which controls handled which character one they switched sides too. I think that Level 5 in particular is frustrating because of the reverse U shaped level. Definitely something to keep in mind going forward. I'm glad you liked it! 

Just checked it out. Left a rating. Well done! I'm glad you liked mine as well!

Pretty neat! I also went with the idea of controlling two characters with WASD and Arrow keys. Yours definitely feels more natural. I'd be interested to see your rating of my submission too! 

Thank you! And yeah, the combat in general needs to be WAY more polished. If I had more time, that is where I'd focus my efforts on the most. I have a few ideas on how to improve it if I try this concept again in the future or just try to polish up this project as portfolio work. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! 

Yeah, I probably could have done a better job of audio leveling. I'm glad you liked it! 

Amusing little game! I kinda wish there was a checkpoint/respawn system instead of starting from the beginning each time but you get through the map so fast that it doesn't really matter as much. Also the jumping is a little janky. When I'm right up to a platform and press the spacebar, I want to be able to jump onto the platform. As it is now, I have to back up a bit then try to jump up. I really like this one. If it were a little more polished and had more levels, you could probably release it on Steam. I kinda want more of it! 

Pretty fun little game. I also made a game where you control two different characters. I think that it'd feel way better if I added controller support too. I'd be interested to see your rating of my submission! 

Interesting for sure. I think this is the kind of game where I'd want to look up a guide online because I got through the whole game and when I went to the "endings" section in the main menu, they were all still ?????'d out. It's definitely a game that I'll return to once I'm done checking out the other submissions. I'd be interested to see your rating of my submission! 

Pretty cool! I love the way it looks. I can imagine this being a fun time waster on a phone! I'd be interested to see your rating of my submission!